The classic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy guide to managing low self-esteem. The accessible, straightforward, and practical books in the Overcoming series outline affordable and easy-to-follow treatment plans, and have provided tens of thousands of readers with the help they need to overcome self-de[...]
Helping therapists bring about enduring change when treating clients with any anxiety disorder, this invaluable book combines expert guidance, in-depth exploration, and innovative clinical strategies.[...]
Low self-esteem and negative self-image cause great distress, can severely affect relationships and have many other negative impacts on one's life. They can, however, be effectively treated using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques. This title helps you learn what causes low self-esteem a[...]
Explains the nature of low self-esteem and self destructive thinking. This book contains a self-help programme and also monitoring sheets.[...]
Low self-confidence affects many of us from time to time and at its worst it can have a devastating impact on your life, preventing you from pursuing your dreams and leading the life you want to lead. Even in milder forms, it can impact on your relationships, studies, career, social life and home-li[...]
This is a new addition to the popular "Introduction to Coping" with series of CBT-based self-help booklets. Written by the author of the bestselling "Overcoming Low Self-Esteem" and the popular self-help title "Overcoming Stress, An Introduction to Coping with Low Self-Esteem" offers expert advice t[...]
Denne boken er en selvhjelpsguide for den som sliter med lav selvfølelse, og for de som hjelper dem: deres venner, familie, psykologer, rådgivere og leger. Den søker å gi en forståelse av hvordan negative tanker om en selv har oppstått, og hva man kan gjøre for å erstatte disse med mer posit[...]
Bøgerne er både en introduktion til kognitiv adfærdsterapi og et konkret arbejdsredskab til behandling af depression. De giver klare og praktiske anvisninger på, hvordan kognitiv adfærdsterapeutisk depressionsbehandling gribes an.[...]
Bøgerne er både en introduktion til kognitiv adfærdsterapi og et konkret arbejdsredskab til behandling af depression. De giver klare og praktiske anvisninger på, hvordan kognitiv adfærdsterapeutisk depressionsbehandling gribes an.[...]
Mange mennesker oplever, at deres lave selvværd har en både smertefuld og ødelæggende effekt på deres liv.
I Melanie Fennells bog henviser ordet ´selvværd´ til de overordnede tanker, som en person har om sig selv. Hvis disse tanker hovedsageligt er uvenlige og krit[...]
Melanie Fennell's Overcoming Low Self - Esteem is a classic of self - help literature, winning acclaim for its practical and user - friendly approach and now recommended on the National Health Service's self - help scheme known as Books on Prescription. This book will aid readers to understand their[...]
This benchmark work is available as a large format, practical manual, complete with multiple copies of worksheets, diaries and exercises suitable for a two-week course of treatment. The user will be able to write directly into the workbook, allowing him or her to trace progress over the course of tr[...]