We invoke the ideal of tolerance in response to conflict, but what does it mean to answer conflict with a call for tolerance? Is tolerance a way of resolving conflicts or a means of sustaining them? Does it transform conflicts into productive tensions, or does it perpetuate underlying power relation[...]
Whether in characterizing Catharine MacKinnon's theory of gender as itself pornographic or in identifying liberalism as unable to make good on its promises, Wendy Brown pursues a central question: how does a sense of woundedness become the basis for a sense of identity? Brown argues that efforts to [...]
What happens to left and liberal political orientations when faith in progress is broken, when both the sovereign individual and sovereign states seem tenuous, when desire seems as likely to seek punishment as freedom, when all political conviction is revealed as contingent and subjective? "Politics[...]
"Edgework" brings together seven of Wendy Brown's most provocative recent essays in political and cultural theory. They range from explorations of politics post-9/11 to critical reflections on the academic norms governing feminist studies and political theory. "Edgework" is also concerned with the i[...]
Tolerance is generally regarded as an unqualified achievement of the modern West. Emerging in early modern Europe to defuse violent religious conflict and reduce persecution, tolerance today is hailed as a key to decreasing conflict across a wide range of other dividing lines - cultural, racial, eth[...]
This volume interrogates settled ways of thinking about the seemingly interminable conflict between religious and secular values in our world today. What are the assumptions and resources internal to secular conceptions of critique that help or hinder our understanding of one of the most pressing co[...]
Why do walls marking national boundaries proliferate amid widespread proclamations of global connectedness and despite anticipation of a world without borders? Why are barricades built of concrete, steel, and barbed wire when threats to the nation today are so often miniaturized, vaporous, clandesti[...]
Why do walls marking national boundaries proliferate amid widespread proclamations of global connectedness and despite anticipation of a world without borders? Why are barricades built of concrete, steel, and barbed wire when threats to the nation today are so often miniaturized, vaporous, clandesti[...]
Neoliberal rationality -- ubiquitous today in statecraft and the workplace, in jurisprudence, education, and culture -- remakes everything and everyone in the image of homo oeconomicus. What happens when this rationality transposes the constituent elements of democracy into an economic register? In [...]
Har dagens feministiska och vänsterprogressiva rörelser förlorat förmågan att föreställa sig en framtid bortom kapitalismens och könets principer? Hur kan radikala politiska projekt göra motstånd mot de maktstrukturer som de samtidigt är en del av? Utifrån vilka positioner kan kollektiva[...]
Finns det någon mening med att kalla sig "demokrat" i en samtid där praktiskt taget alla kallar sig demokrater? Kan ett begrepp som tycks kunna betyda både allt och inget fortfarande ha ett meningsfullt politiskt innehåll?
I föreliggande bok åtar sig några av vår tids mest namnku[...]
Vi lever i en tid som sägs vara präglad av fria flöden, allt öppnare gränser och en allt tätare sammanbunden värld. Hur kommer det sig då att vi samtidigt ser en explosionsartad utbredning av murar och barriärer längs samma nationsgränser som påstås vara på väg att försvinna?
Det talas i dag om politikens död. Tron på en kollektiv politisk befrielse har ersatts av individuella livsstilar och riskhantering. Det som en gång sades vara politikens förlängning, kriget, blivit det ord som i stället för politik ska uttrycka kollektiv handlingskraft. Men om politiken i da[...]
Curiosity just might be the death of Mrs. Murphy--and her human companion, Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen. Small towns are like families: Everyone lives very close together. . .and everyone keeps secrets. Crozet, Virginia, is a typical small town-until its secrets explode into murder. Crozet's thi[...]
The annual steeplechase races at Montpelier, once the home of James and Dolley Madison, are the high point in the social calendar of the horse-mad Virginians of cozy Crozet. The race meet offers a cracking good time with old friends and a chance to get even--on the racecourse--with old enemies. Post[...]
It takes a cat to write the purr-fect mystery--.
"People who love cats...have a friend in Rita Mae Brown," declares The New York Times Book Review. And nowhere is it more obvious than in this, her sixth deliciously witty foray into detective fiction written with the paws-on help of collaborat[...]
A guide to internal and external communication issues for anyone working in local councils or regional governmental offices. It offers an analysis of the issues that are unique to this environment, whilst reinforcing the importance of effective and meaningful communication to both local democracy an[...]