Sometimes it can feel like there's a gap between what we plan or hope for in our lives and the reality we're faced with - a so-called reality gap. This title teaches you how to cope effectively when life hurts and learn not only how to survive life's unexpected curve balls, but also how to thrive, d[...]
Help your clients gain access to the transformative grace of God through Christ! All too often, psychology and spirituality are kept in separate boxes, lessening the power of each to work effective changes. Christ-Centered Therapy: Empowering the Self brings together Christian faith with the Intern[...]
Too many of us miss out on opportunities in life because we lack self-confidence. Whether it's public speaking, taking on a leadership role, or asking someone for a date, there are situations in which we just don't feel equipped to handle the challenges we face. Russ Harris offers a surprising solut[...]
Popular myths about love set us up for a struggle with real life. The inconvenient truth is there's no such thing as a perfect partner, all couples fight, and feelings of love come and go like the weather. But that doesn't mean you can't have a joyful and romantic relationship. Through a simple prog[...]
At ACT workshops around the world, author Russ Harris is often asked one question: 'If you could recommend just one book on ACT, what would it be'? "ACT Made Simple", a clear, accessible, and jargon-free ACT primer, is the answer to that question. Though many mental health professionals are intrigue[...]
Are you, like milllions of people, caught in the happines trap? Russ Harris explains that the way most of us go about trying to find happiness ends up making us miserable, driving the epidemics of stress, anxiety, and depression. This empowering book presents the insights and techniques of ACT (Acc[...]
Too many of us miss out on opportunities in life because we lack self-confidence. Whether it's public speaking, taking on a leadership role, or asking someone for a date, there are situations in which we just don't feel equipped to handle the challenges we face.
Russ Harris offers a surprising s[...]
The "reality slap" takes many different forms. Sometimes, it's more like a punch: the death of a loved one, a serious illness, a divorce, the loss of a job, a freak accident, or a shocking betrayal. Sometimes it's a little gentler. Envy, loneliness, resentment, failure, disappointment, and rejection[...]
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a powerful, evidence-based treatment for clients struggling with depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, and a host of other mental health conditions. It is based in the belief that the road to lasting happiness and well-being begins with acceptin[...]
The life-changing practice of applied mindfulness called ACT is made even more accessible in this fun and easy-to-understand volume that illustrates all the principles with entertaining cartoons.
There's this idea going around that we're always supposed to be happy--and it's making us miserable.[...]
Diet fads and fitness trends may offer the prospect of losing weight, but they rarely work out long-term. "The Weight Escape" offers something life-changingly different.
Using the mindfulness-based method called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dr. Russ Harris, author of the best-selling[...]
Popular ideas about happiness are misleading, inaccurate, and are directly contributing to our epidemic of stress, anxiety and depression. And unfortunately, popular psychological approaches are making it even worse. This book provides scientifically proven techniques to reduce stress and worry, and[...]
This is a hands-on, self-help guide to gaining long-lasting confidence and overcoming fear using mindfulness-based therapy. The author explains how many of us are playing the 'confidence game' using the wrong rules, and guides the reader through clear, simple exercises designed to help you manage di[...]
1945 war die Institution Gestapo zwar zerschlagen, doch die meisten ihrer Mitarbeiter lebten noch, und ihre Verbrechen wurden nunmehr erst im ganzen Ausmaà sichtbar. Wie verhielten und positionierten die Täter sich in der Nachkriegszeit? Und wie verhielt sich die deutsche Gesellschaft ihnen ge[...]
Få en pangstart på praksisen din med et komplett og enkelt verktøy i ACT!Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å være lykkelig? Hvorfor er livet så vanskelig?Hvorfor har mennesker det så vondt?Hva kan vi egentlig gjøre med det?Ønsker du å være mindre stresset og mer dedikert på jobb?Aksept- og f[...]
Skap det livet du vil leve med ACT, mindfulness og engasjement
Føler du deg iblant urolig, engstelig og utilstrekkelig, men gir inntrykk av at du har det bare bra? Du er ikke alene. Ubehagelige følelser, grubling og bekmring er en uunngåelig del av det å være menneske. På en eller a[...]
De fleste af os jagter lykken på måder, der i stedet for at gøre os lykkelige er med til at gøre os ulykkelige og disponible overfor stress, angst, nervøsitet og depression, mener Russ Harris. Han præsenterer i bogen den nye metode ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), der baser[...]
»Dr. Harris har skrevet den ideelle bog til par, der ønsker at styrke deres par forhold og øge intimiteten.«
- Robin D. Walser, forfatter til The Mindful Couple
Stop kampen â begynd at elske!
»Find den rigtige partner, så vil du blive hel og fo[...]
ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) har vist sig at være særdeles effektiv ved behandling af depression, angst, stress, afhængighed, spiseforstyrrelser, skizofreni, borderline personlighedsforstyrrelse og flere andre psykiske lidelser.
ACT bygger på adfærdsterapi og ko[...]
Er der en kløft mellem det liv, du lever, og det liv, du gerne vil leve?
Mange kender det: Vi ønsker os et bedre job, vores eget firma eller et lykkeligere kærlighedsliv. Men vi mangler selvtillid. Angsten kommer i vejen, og vi tøver med at forfølge vores drømme. Livet s[...]
Et slag fra virkeligheden kan antage mange forskellige former: et dødsfald i den nærmeste familie, en alvorlig sygdom eller skade, et handicappet barn, en fallit, et forræderi, en skilsmisse eller en uforklarlig ulykke. Fælles for dem alle er, at de gør ondt! Og mange os er ikke sæ[...]
Målet med Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) är att skapa ett rikt och meningsfullt liv och samtidigt acceptera obehag som en oundviklig del av att vara levande. Russ Harris förklarar den komplexa teorin bakom ACT på ett lättillgängligt och inspirerande sätt, och beskriver hur man som b[...]
I Lyckofällan får du lära dig att leva ett rikt och meningsfullt liv med hjälp av ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), en tredje vågens KBT som fokuserar på mindfulness och ett nytt sätt att se på tankar och känslor.
Olika övningar och exempel hjälper oss att tänka nytt, [...]
Ibland får man en riktig käftsmäll av livet: någon man älskar dör, man råkar ut för en olyckshändelse eller golvas av en skilsmässa.
När Russ Harris upptäckte att hans tvåårige son hade autism rasade hans värld. Han kämpade länge med att acceptera det glapp som uppstår m[...]