Dette er boken for alle jobbkandidater som tror at âHar du noen spørsmål?â betyr at intervjuet er over. Dette spørsmålet markerer tvert imot begynnelsen på den siste og kanskje viktigste fasen av intervjuet â en fase som er så viktig at om du ikke forbereder deg ordentlig til de[...]
The Great Big Book of How to Study contains more than 400 pages of useful information and advice, and it's written in a direct, motivational style that will help students regain the confidence they need to succeed in school.[...]
A guide to resume preparation for the first-time job hunter offers practical tips on researching, networking, and interviewing.[...]
The purpose of Your First Interview is to ease anxiety at a time that's usually characterized by sweaty palms and pounding hearts. Whether unemployment is at a record high or record low and the country's at war or at peace- these factors have little to do with the task at hand- the fact that the rea[...]
Best-selling "How to Study, Seventh Edition" reveals the study skills that all students need to know in order to be successful, whether the goal is landing a top scholarship or excelling in school. This edition includes information on how to create an effective work environment, stand out in class, [...]
Help your students discover the practical solution to their reading frustrations, with "Improve Your Reading". Written by bestselling author and education advocate Ron Fry, this book avoids gimmicks and tricks in favor of proven strategies that will help your students better retain and comprehend wh[...]
From selecting a topic and conducting research to developing an outline, writing drafts, proofreading, and more, this title takes you step-by-step through the creation of a successful research paper. It is suitable for those hoping to excel in school, on essay tests, and in life.[...]
GET ORGANIZED shows you how to create your ideal study environment by using simple time-management tips to develop to-do lists, daily schedules, monthly calendars, and project boards. Now updated to include electronic and online planning tools, this new edition also provides strategies that help you[...]
Tough interview questions are inevitable in todayAes competitive job market. Ron FryAes 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions has helped more than 500,000 job seekers pinpoint what employers are really asking with every question, and more importantly, what they want to hear in respon[...]
Hvordan kan man oppnå at team presterer på sitt beste, og hvordan leder man et team? Det er et stort behov for praktiske verktøy på dette området. Et av verktøyene som nå tas i bruk i norsk næringsliv er Appreciative Inquiry. Bedrifter og organisasjoner verden over har ved hjelp av dette ver[...]
Vanskelige intervjuspørsmål er uunngåelige i dagens konkurransedrevne arbeidsmarked. Ron Frys 101 perfekte svar på de vanskeligste intervjuspørsmålene har hjulpet mer enn 500.000 jobbsøkere med å finne frem til hva arbeidsgivere egentlig spør om med hvert spørsmål, og enda viktigere, hva [...]
"Upptäck det som redan fungerar och låt det växa!"
Styrkebaserad Teamutveckling är en praktisk handbok i Appreciative Inquiry som effektivt stärker och utvecklar individer och team. I engagerande dialoger och samtal med fokus på styrkor, framgångsfaktorer och framtida önskvärda l[...]