This chunky, richly colorful volume takes yoga "beyond the mat" to reveal classic yogic wisdom pertaining to the mind, emotions, spirit, and of course, the body. Drawing from such classical texts as the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, as well as modern Indian and Western teachers, this treasure tr[...]
With specially commissioned colour photography and a vibrant, cheerful design, "Personal Trainer: Yoga for Kids" introduces this popular health-giving exercise to children in a fun and accessible format. Liz Lark, an experienced yoga teacher with a degree in the performing arts, takes a team of chil[...]
Ved hjelp av detaljerte forklaringer i tekst og bilder, lærer boka deg de viktigste stillingene i power-yoga, eller astanga vinyasa, som det heter på sankrit. Har ordforklaringer og register.[...]