Total Relationship Marketing provides a genuinely unique new view of the meaning of marketing management and a complete introduction to the rapidly evolving field of relationship marketing.
A major contribution to marketing thought internationally, this new edition of Gummesson's seminal title p[...]
This third edition of "Total Relationship Marketing" confirms it as a classic text on the subject of relationship marketing and CRM, areas which have become accepted - and debated - parts of marketing but are currently undergoing dramatic change. A major contribution to marketing thought internation[...]
'This book is entertaining, whilst informative, a really good read. Gummesson applies his clearly considerable knowledge of literature and philosophy, together with his vast experience of business research and consultancy, to provide a text that charts a journey through the management process that w[...]
Boka gir en samlet oversikt over relasjonsmarkedsføringens praksis og forskning verden over. Den setter 4P (produkt, pris, påvirkning og plass) opp mot de 30 relasjonene som bedriften må ta hensyn til i markedsføringen. Dessuten presenterer boka flere nyskapende begreper, og kopler relasjonsmark[...]
The aim of this book is to provide a wider perspective of the marketing field, particularly at a time when the field of marketing is expanding and developing in new and different directions. Unlike the more traditional literature, this book affords a deeper insight into the new marketing avenues of [...]
Mer än 17 000 ex sålda!
Evert Gummessons Relationsmarknadsföring: Från 4P till 30R har sålt i mer än 17 000 ex bara i Sverige. Boken är nyskapande och har blivit en kultbok bland marknadsförare. Philip Kotler lovordar den. Det gör också Svenska Civilekonomföreningens tidskrif[...]
Vad följer i kölvattnet av relationsmarknadsföringen, CRM och one-to-one? Och varför har dessa ansatser inte alltid blivit så framgångsrika i praktiken som man hoppats på? I sin nya bok bygger Gummesson vidare på erfarenheter från marknadsföringens praktik och teori, och ställer one-to-on[...]