European unity is a dream that has appealed to the imagination since the Middle Ages. Its motives have varied from a longing for peace to a deep-rooted abhorrence of diversity, as well as a yearning to maintain Europe's colonial dominance. This book offers a multifaceted history that takes in accoun[...]
This work explores the earliest extant discussions on the authority of the Hadith in Islam and compares them with contemporary debates. These lively and often polemical debates are mostly popular discussions in which Muslims from different backgrounds and cultures participate - making this topic rel[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
From Finland to Newfoundland and Jelling to Jerusalem, follow in the wake of the Vikings a transformative story of a people that begins with paganism and ends in Christendom. In AD 800, the Scandinavians were just barbarians in longships. Though they held sway in the north, their power meant little [...]
"Most advertising copywriters know their fundamentals. Many of us practice them. Some of us should get back to them. "Whether one is now studying to go into the field of copywriting, whether he is new in the craft, or whether he has been a practitioner in it for years, his knowledge-and practice-of [...]
This book describes and analyses the development of the Roman West from Gibraltar to the Rhine, using primarily the extensive body of published archaeological evidence rather than the textual evidence underlying most other studies. It situates this development within a longer-term process of change,[...]
Christopher Loveluck's study explores the transformation of Northwest Europe (primarily Britain, France and Belgium) from the era of the first post-Roman 'European Union' under the Carolingian Frankish kings to the so-called 'feudal' age, between c.AD 600 and 1150. During these centuries radical cha[...]