We will soon be able to meet and exceed the basic needs of every man, woman, and child on the planet. Abundance for all is within our grasp. This bold, contrarian view, backed up by exhaustive research, introduces our near-term future, where exponentially growing technologies and three other powerfu[...]
Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS101 study guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook.[...]
From the coauthors of the "New York Times" bestseller "Abundance" comes their much anticipated follow-up: "Bold"--a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billion[...]
An exploration of how extreme athletes break the limits of ultimate human performance and what we can learn from their mastery of the state of consciousness known as "flow"In this groundbreaking book, "New York Times"-bestselling author Steven Kotler decodes the mystery of ultimate human performance[...]
(Vocal Collection). This all-in-one package includes the original Arias for Soprano Volume 2 book from the G. Schirmer Opera Anthology along with two accompaniment CDs AND the corresponding Diction Coach book/two CD set. Diction Coach includes recorded diction lessons, IPA, and word for word transla[...]
In this groundbreaking book, "New York Times" bestselling author Steven Kotler decodes the mystery of ultimate human performance. Drawing on over a decade of research and first-hand reporting with dozens of top action and adventure sports athletes like big wave legend Laird Hamilton, big mountain sn[...]
Dog rescue is one of the largest underground movements in America. It is also one of the least understood. This insider look at the culture of dog rescue begins with Kotler's personal experience working with an ever-peculiar pack of dogs and becomes a much deeper investigation into exactly what it m[...]
It's time to turn back the clock! In 20 YEARS YOUNGER, Bob Greene and Harold Lancer, MD, offer readers a practical, science-based plan for looking and feeling their best as they age. The cutting-edge program details easy and effective steps we can all take to rebuild the foundation of youth and enjo[...]
As products become increasingly similar, companies are turning to branding as a way to create a preference for their offerings. Branding has been the essential factor in the success of well-known consumer goods such as Coca Cola, McDonald's, Kodak, and Mercedes. In fact, these brands are worth many [...]
This is one of the first books to probe deeply into the art and science of branding industrial products. The book comes at a time when more industrial companies need to start using branding in a sophisticated way. It provides the concepts, the theory, and dozens of cases illustrating the successful [...]
Markedsføringsbibelen. Denne norske utgaven er en oversettelse av den 11. amerikanske utgaven av standardverket innen markedsføring og markedsføringsledelse. Boken er bearbeidet og tilpasset norske forhold.Boken er tverrfaglig da den også baseres på andre relevante disipliner som økonomisk teo[...]
Denne boken presenterer en ny markedsføringsmodell som beveger seg bakenfor produktbaserte og forbrukerbaserte strategier og inntar en holistisk holdning til kunder som flerdimensjonale samarbeidspartnere. Boken legger frem forfatternes hovedideer med eksempler fra virkeligheten. Den forklarer blan[...]
Philip Kotler är sedan många år världens störste auktoritet inom strategisk marknadsföring. Hans bok Marketing Management, som sålts i över 3 miljoner exemplar, är sedan länge standardverket inom all högskoleutbildning. Den här boken, Kotlers Marknadsföring, kommer att bli motsvarande [...]
Boken ger konkreta riktlinjer för att hantera en alltmer kaotisk miljö. Hur man upptäcker potentiella källor till turbulens, förbereder sig för olika scenarier, analyserar företagets sårbarhet och affärsmöjligheter vid turbulens, minskar riskexponeringen, bygger in flexibilitet i balansrä[...]
Professionella platsledare skapar lokal och regional tillväxt. I den första boken om de europeiska platsledarnas betydelse, ger Christer Asplund konkreta råd från 35 års internationellt arbete med att utveckla vinnande regioner och städer. Boken publiceras i en dramatisk tid för Europa när [...]
Tämä on markkinoinnin seuraava kehitysaste! Markkinointi 3.0 ei kohtaa asiakkaita enää vain kuluttajina vaan kompleksisina, moniulotteisina inhimillisinä olentoina, joita me kaikki olemmekin. Vastineeksi asiakkaat valitsevat ne yritykset ja tuotteet, jotka tyydyttävät heidän syvempää tarve[...]
Elton John, Wham, Blondie, Maarit, Buddy Holly, Lionel Richie, Tuure Kilpeläinen, Kaija Koo, Paul Anka, Jenni Vartiainen, Jesse Kaikuranta, Jukka Poika, Frank Sinatra, Anna Eriksson, Tehosekoitin, Ultra Bra ...Nyt säestät maailmanluokan artistien loistokkaita kappaleita ammattilaisen otteella! Ki[...]
On vain yksi nimi markkinoinnissa - Philip Kotler. Tämä kirja saattaa olla hänen parhaansa, sillä kirjaan on tiivistetty kaikki olennaiset näkemykset markkinoinnista.Markkinoinnin avaimet käsittelee ja tutkii kaikkein tärkeimpiä konsepteja, joita markkinoijat sekä yritysjohtajat tarvitsevat[...]
For undergraduates studying Marketing Management courses Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective, 6/E continues to showcase the excellent content that Kotler has created with examples and case studies that are easily recognized. This enables students to relate to and grasp marketing concepts bet[...]