W James - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: W James
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  1. Jämför priser
    från 119.00 kr
  2. James Mill on Philosophy and Education (Inbunden)


    W. H. Burston

    ISBN: 9781472509406 - UTGIVEN: 2013-11-07

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    från 898.00 kr
  3. Media Literacy (Pocket)


    W. James Potter

    ISBN: 9781483306674 - UTGIVEN: 2013-11

    In this media-saturated world, it is critical to approach media influences using critical thought and active participation. Media Literacy, Seventh Edition uses an engaging and conversational style to help students gain the skills needed to navigate the rocky terrain of mass messages -- which are de[...]

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    från 697.00 kr
  4. Complete Wine Tasting and Pairing Guide for Beginners: Discover How to Taste, Select and Pair Wine with Food and Become an Expert Sommelier Over the W (Häftad)


    David S. James

    ISBN: 9781494313340 - UTGIVEN: 2013-11

    If "bouquet," "opulent," "unctuous," and other fancy terms used to describe a wine make you confused and feeling clueless, then this book is for you. If you have no idea how to select a wine, how to read the label on a wine bottle, how to pair wine with food, then this book is definitely for you.

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    från 140.00 kr
  5. Moving Beyond Loss (Häftad)


    Russell Friedman, John W. James

    ISBN: 9781589797055 - UTGIVEN: 2012-12

    In October 2010 the authors became exclusive providers of grief- and grief-recovery-related content on a memorial website called Tributes.com, a site that receives approximately three million unique hits per month, and to which readers submit very personal and unique grief-related questions. Collect[...]

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    från 116.00 kr
  6. Life and Confession of the Noted Outlaw James Copeland (Pocket)


    J. R. S. Pitts, John D. W. Guice, J. R. S. Pitts

    ISBN: 9781604731972 - UTGIVEN: 1992-09

    A Mississippi sheriff's account of a notorious southern outlaw's heyday in crime Jesse James, John Dillinger, Machine Gun Kelly, Bonnie and Clyde -- James Copeland (born 1823) was the granddaddy of them all. This is his notorious history as recorded by the sheriff who arrested him in 1857. During th[...]

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    från 295.00 kr
  7. J.M.W. Turner Masterpieces of Art (Inbunden)


    Rosalind Ormiston, James Peacock

    ISBN: 9781783612062 - UTGIVEN: 2014-02

    The English Romantic painter Joseph Mallord William Turner (23 April 1775 - 19 December 1851) was a brilliant landscape artist, a watercolourist and printmaker. His style, powerful and fierce, melding the elements with humankind are thought by many to have prepared the way for Impressionism. In his [...]

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    från 124.00 kr
  8. James (Häftad)


    Rev.W. Awdry

    ISBN: 9789186911096 - UTGIVEN: 201209

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    från 32.00 kr
  9. Sorgbearbetning : ett handlingsprogram för känslomässig läkning vid sorg efter dödsfall, separationer och andra förluster (Häftad)


    John W. James, Russell Friedman

    ISBN: 9789197479608 - UTGIVEN: 200311

    "Tiden läker alla sår." "Var stark för barnens skull." "Livet går vidare." Klyschorna kring sörjandet är många, men inte verksamma. Så hur gör man då, när den man älskar gått bort eller försvunnit in i en annans famn?

    Utifrån sina egna och andras erfarenheter belyser förf[...]

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    från 244.00 kr
  10. Sorgbearbetning : ett handlingsprogram för känslomässig läkning vid sorg efter dödsfall, separationer och andra förluster (CD-bok)


    John W. James, Russel Friedman

    ISBN: 9789197479622 - UTGIVEN: 200801

    "Tiden läker alla sår." "Var stark för barnens skull." "Livet går vidare." Klyschorna kring sörjandet är många, men inte verksamma. Så hur gör man då, när den man älskar gått bort eller försvunnit in i en annans famn?

    Utifrån sina egna och andras erfarenheter belyser förf[...]

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    från 289.00 kr
  11. Trauer(n) heilt : ein Ratgeber zur Unterstützung des emotionalen Heilungsprozesses bei Todesfällen, Trennungen und anderen Verlusten (Häftad)


    John W. James, Russell Friedman

    ISBN: 9789197479639 - UTGIVEN: 2010-02

    ?Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden". ?Andere Mütter haben auch schöne Töchter." ?Das Leben geht weiter." Es gibt viele Klischees, die für Trauernde allerdings wenig hilfreich sind. Was soll man tun, wenn ein geliebter Mensch stirbt oder uns gar verlässt?Ausgehend von eigenen Erfahrungen und jener ande[...]

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    från 242.00 kr
  12. Surun työstäminen : toimintaohjelma kuoleman, eron tai muiden tunneperäisten menetysten työstämiseen (Häftad)


    John W. James, Russel Friedman

    ISBN: 9789197479646 - UTGIVEN: 201005

    "Aika parantaa haavat." "Ole vahva lasten vuoksi:" "Elämän on jatkuttava." Kliseet suremisesta ja surusta ovat monet ja tunnetut, mutta ikävä kyllä, tehottomat. Kuinka tehdä, kun rakastamani kuolee tai karkaa jonkun toisen syliin?

    Lähtökohtanaan omat sekä muiden ihmisten kokemuks[...]

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    från 239.00 kr
  13. Sorgbearbejdning : et handlingsprogram til følelsesmaessig heling ved dødsfald, separationer og andre tab (Häftad)


    John W. James, Russell Friedman

    ISBN: 9789197479653 - UTGIVEN: 201003

    "Tiden heler alle sår". "Vær stærk for børnenes skyld". "Livet går videre". Klichéerne omkring sørgende er mange, men de virker ikke. Så hvad gør man, når den man elsker er død eller forsvundet i en andens favn?

    Udfra egne og andres erfaringer belyser forfatterne hvad sorg er [...]

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    från 258.00 kr
  14. Irony in Action (Pocket)


    James W. (EDT) Fernandez, Mary Taylor (EDT) Huber, James W. (EDT) Fernandez

    ISBN: 9780226244235 - UTGIVEN: 2001-06

    This collection is based on the idea that irony now extends beyond its classification as a figure of speech and is increasingly recognized as one of the major modes of human experience. The essays cover the limits to irony's liberating qualities as well as irony's more positive dimensions.[...]

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    från 283.00 kr
  15. Education for Life and Work (Pocket)


    James W. (EDT) Pellegrino, Margaret L. (EDT) Hilton, James W. (EDT) Pellegrino

    ISBN: 9780309256490 - UTGIVEN: 2012-09

    Americans have long recognized that investments in public education contribute to the common good, enhancing national prosperity and supporting stable families, neighborhoods, and communities. Education is even more critical today, in the face of economic, environmental, and social challenges. Today[...]

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    från 590.00 kr
  16. Birds and Climate Change (Pocket)


    James W. Pearce-higgins, Rhys E. Green, James W. Pearce-higgins

    ISBN: 9780521132190 - UTGIVEN: 2014-07

    From the red grouse to the Ethiopian bush-crow, bird populations around the world can provide us with vital insights into the effects of climate change on species and ecosystems. They are among the best studied and monitored of organisms, yet many are already under threat of extinction as a result o[...]

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    från 539.00 kr
  17. Living a Supernatural Life (Pocket)


    James W. Goll, Bill (FRW) Johnson, James W. Goll

    ISBN: 9780800796549 - UTGIVEN: 2013-09

    Looking for Signs of Life
    Believers around the world are experiencing God's kingdom in a real and transformative way through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working in and through their lives. Yet some are uncertain about the purpose of signs, wonders and miracles in our modern age of [...]

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    från 208.00 kr
  18. Remembering the Kanji (Pocket)


    James W. Heisig, Tanya Sienko, James W. Heisig

    ISBN: 9780824831677 - UTGIVEN: 200801

    Students who have learned to read and write the basic 2,000 characters run into the same difficulty that university students in Japan face. The government-approved list of basic educational kanji is not sufficient for advanced reading and writing. Although each academic specialization requires suppl[...]

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    från 410.00 kr
  19. Exotic Animal Formulary (Pocket)


    James W. Carpenter, Christopher J. Marion, James W. Carpenter

    ISBN: 9781437722642 - UTGIVEN: 201204

    A quick, concise reference to the drugs and dosages used to treat exotic animals, "Exotic Animal Formulary, 4th Edition" addresses the most common questions and medical situations you encounter in clinical practice. Species covered include birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, primates, wildlife, and a[...]

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    från 417.00 kr
  20. The American (Pocket)


    Henry James, James W. (EDT) Tuttleton, Henry James

    ISBN: 9780393090918 - UTGIVEN: 1978-09

    The textual history of the novel is traced in A Note on the Text; a list of substantive variants and emendations; a facsimile manuscript page showing James's method of revision; and a list of the installments of the novel as they appeared in The Atlantic. "Backgrounds and Sources" includes relevant [...]

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    från 110.00 kr
  21. Detective Dinosaur Lost and Found (Häftad)


    James Skofield, R. W. Alley, R. W. Alley

    ISBN: 9780064442572 - UTGIVEN: 1999-02

    "Help Baby Penny is lost "This sounds like a job for Detective Dinosaur and Officer Pterodactyl The prehistoric police pair from Detective Dinosaur is back on the beat with new cases to crack. But what will happen when Dective Dinosaur loses his way in the dark? Will he be found at a loss?Comicall[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 65.00 kr