If you have received a cancer diagnosis, you know that the hundreds of questions and concerns you have about what's to come can be as stressful as the cancer treatment itself. But research shows that if you mentally prepare yourself to handle cancer treatment by getting stress and anxiety under cont[...]
Denne boken er resultatet av et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom fire av verdens ledende forskere og klinikere innen feltet mindfulness-meditasjon og kognitiv atferdsterapi.
Med varme og innlevelse prensenterer forfatterne et nytt selvhjelpsprogram. De forklarer på en lettfattelig måte hvorfor[...]
Mindfulness en väg ur nedstämdhet är en ovanlig och varm självhjälpsbok för nedstämdhet och depression.
I boken beskrivs hur vi människor känner och reagerar vid nedstämdhet och depression samt hur våra försök att rycka upp oss, ofta gör att vi sjunker allt djupare ned i de[...]
Mielekkäästi irti masennuksesta on uraauurtava teos, joka yhdistää länsimaisen kognitiivisenpsykologian saavutukset itämaiseen meditaatiotekniikkaan masennuksen hoidossa. Sen kirjoittajat ovat psykologian ja psykiatrian asiantuntijoita ja Jon Kabat-Zinn on jo useissa suomeksikin julkaistuissa [...]
This bestselling work, now in a new edition, has introduced tens of thousands of clinicians to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression (MBCT), an eight-week program with proven effectiveness. Step by step, the authors explain the "whys" and "how-tos" of conducting mindfulness practices an[...]
Cognitive therapy, with its clear-cut measurable techniques, has been a welcome innovation in recent years. However, the very specificity that lends itself so well to research and training has minimized the role of the therapeutic relationship, making it difficult for therapists to respond flexibly [...]
Mindfulness is the conscious, uninvolved awareness of the present moment.Western psychologists have recently learned that this state of mind is particularly conducive to the accomplishment of cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT. Built around a series of specific, step-by-step interventions, this b[...]
This book presents an innovative eight-session program designed to prevent relapse in clients who have recovered from depression.[...]
Winner of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Seal of Merit! Over 160,000 in print! The Mindful Way through Depression draws on the collective wisdom of four internationally renowned mindfulness experts, including bestselling author Jon Kabat-Zinn, to provide effe[...]
Winner of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Seal of Merit! Over 160,000 in print! The Mindful Way through Depression draws on the collective wisdom of four internationally renowned mindfulness experts, including bestselling author Jon Kabat-Zinn, to provide effe[...]
Mindfulness-baseret kognitiv terapi (MBKT) fokuserer på at lære deltagerne at foretage et enkelt, men radikalt skift i, hvordan de forholder sig til de tanker, følelser og kropsfornemmelser, der bidrager til tilbagefald ved depression. I bogen gives trinvise anvisninger på, hvordan man kan integ[...]