A Soviet rocket falls back to Earth carrying deadly bacteria. KGB Professor Voronov turns the extraterrestrial threat into a terrifying weapon that could be used to devastate the Western world-but he doesn't take into account the vigilance of Her Majesty's intelligence services. Soon, Blake and Mort[...]
Philip Mortimer spent his youth in the land of the Maharajas. He loves India, but his last visit there did not end well. Now, many years later, the famous Professor Mortimer is in charge of the British pavilion at the Brussels Universal Exposition. When strange phenomena begin disrupting preparation[...]
Blake, Mortimer and Nasir are en route to Antarctica, hoping to locate Olrik and his Indian and KGB allies and to stop his attack on the Brussels Universal Exposition. Little do they know that their old adversary isn't the one in charge this time. In the frozen wasteland of the sixth continent, Mort[...]
Several months after their adventures in Antarctica, Blake and Mortimer are back in England. Still somewhat shaken after his ordeal, the professor is ordered by his doctor to get some rest. In typical Mortimer fashion, he decides to spend his holidays in Africa - looking for a lost civilisation! Acc[...]
1919. Colonel Lawrence - Lawrence of Arabia - has an unpleasant meeting with an MI5 agent who confiscates his manuscript of The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. 35 years later, Oxford is shaken by a series of burglaries at the Ashmolean Museum, at the same time as Blake learns of the death of an old fri[...]
After all his adventures across the American continent, after defeating his many enemies, XIII is trying to live a simple life in the house he inherited, where it all started. It's not always easy - not everyone is happy to have such an infamous man in the area, and his skills are in high demand w[...]
XIII is hiding in France at the Preseaus, after a past more nebulous he even believed possible caught up to him again. But the organisation that's after him hasn't said its last word, and has considerable means at its disposal. It lures Jones, on duty in Afghanistan, into a terrible ambush, for the [...]
Tegneserie. Thorgal drager ud for at finde adoptivsønnen Aniel og imens er hans ægte søn Jolan på sin tredie opgave, hvor han i gudernes verden skal søge at skaffe et af Iduns æbler[...]
Tegneserie. Da Kriss af Valnor stilles for valkyriernes domstol, får hun chancen for at overbevise Freja om, at hun trods sine mange ugerninger alligevel er værdig til at få adgang til det evige liv i Valhal[...]
Tegneserie. For at følge sporet af adoptivsønnen Aniel lader Thorgal sig hyre som vagt om bord på et af sabelskibene, der sejler gennem kolde egne, hvor både is, røvere og sultne rovdyr lurer[...]
Andet bind af to om Thorgals ærkefjende, Kriss af Valnor.
Tredjebindom Thorgals ærkefjende, Kriss af Valnor.
Thorgal befinder sig om bord på et sabelskib på vej til Bag Dadh for at søge efter Kriss af Valnors stumme søn, Aniel, som Thorgal og hans hustru har taget til sig som deres egen efter Kriss af Valnors død, men som er blevet bortført af tilhængere af Den Røde Magis Broderskab. [...]
Ved skæbnens gunst er Kriss af Valnor blevet dronning af Nordøsterland, men hendes ambitioner rækker langt videre: hun vil regere over alle Nordens vikinger. Det Store Althings oldgamle love kræver imidlertid, at en kvindelig tronprætendent opfylder fire krav: hun skal bevise sin ædle byrd, si[...]
Kriss af Valnor og Thorgals søn, Jolan - blandt vikingerne kendt som helbrederkongen Taljar Sologhonn - har giftet sig for at samle alle nordens folk til det endelige slag mod kejser Magnus, der hersker over landene mod syd. Kejseren vil i ledtog med hertugen af Auxaterra - der er gift med kejseren[...]
Foråret 1944. Som testpilot på et helt nyt prototypefly lykkes det Francis Blake at forpurre et selvmordsangreb på det engelske parlament. Den spektakulære indsats fører til, at han rekrutteres af den militære efterretningstjeneste MI6 og straks får en ganske særlig opgave: Han skal sørge f[...]