Is It Really Possible to Feel 10 Years Younger, Have the Energy of a Child, and Get More Done . . . Without Giving Up Your Life or Depriving Yourself of Delicious Food?
The answer inside this book might shock you.
Are you "tired" of watching your life pass you by?
Is a lack of energy hol[...]
Learn the Astonishing Nutritional Truths That You'll Never Hear From the Medical Establishment, Dietitians, or Even Your Doctor. Thousands of Years of Real Life Proof, and Nature's Secrets to Abundant Health, Revealed for the First Time![...]
The All-Day Energy Diet helps busy, everyday people enjoy more energy, improve their health and lose weight by restoring their bodies' optimal vitality through five natural solutions: real food; restorative supplementation; adrenal, stress and hormonal support; digestive repair; and proper exercise.[...]