"Every morning when I awake I greet the Holy Spirit and invite Him to go with me through the day and take the lead in all my affairs, and He does. I say, Good morning Holy Spirit. Let's work together today and I will be Your vessel.' Every evening before retiring I say again, 'It's been a wonderful [...]
Spanish Edition. The plan of home cell groups developed in the world's largest church is phenomenal. Dr. Cho details everything you need to know to make home cells work.[...]
Paul Yonggi Cho, pastor of the world's largest and fastest growing church, bestselling author and popular speaker reveals secrets for answered prayer, church renewal, and personal growth.[...]
I Daejo-dong, området där vi hade vår slitna, gamla tältkyrka, såg jag bara lidande, hunger, sjukdom, hopplöshet och hjälplöshet. Men i mitt inre såg jag människorna här som Guds sköna skapelser och jag fylldes av en längtan efter att fylla deras hjärtan med hopp, genom att lära dem o[...]