Brilliant and original, 'A Thousand Years of Good Prayers' introduces a remarkable first collection of stories about China from an author set to become a major literary talent. In this extraordinary first collection, Yiyun Li brings us a modern China facing up to a complex history of repression and [...]
The much-anticipated first novel from the Guardian First Book Award-winning Chinese writer. In the provincial town of Muddy Waters in China, a young woman named Gu Shan is sentenced to death for her loss of faith in Communism. She is twenty-eight years old and has already spent ten years in prison. [...]
The second collection of stories from Yiyun Li, author of the Guardian First Book Award-winning A Thousand Years of Good Prayers and The Vagrants. The stories in this collection, like the stories in A Thousand Years of Good Prayers, are mostly set in China. The country portrayed here is the China of[...]
The new novel from Yiyun Li, author of 'The Vagrants' and the Guardian First Book Award-winning' A Thousand Years of Good Prayers'.[...]
A debut collection of short fiction by a Chinese-American author focuses on the role of fate in the lives of characters living both in China and in the United States, in such works as "Immortality," about a young man who finds a calling because of his resemblance to the dictator, and "Extra" in whic[...]
Shortlisted for the 2011 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award
In luminous prose, award-winning author Yiyun Li weaves together the lives of unforgettable characters who are forced to make moral choices, and choices for survival, in China in the late 1970s.
As morning dawns on the provin[...]
In these spellbinding stories, Yiyun Li, a Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award winner, a MacArthur Fellow, and one of "The New Yorker"'s top 20 fiction writers under 40, gives us exquisite stories in which politics and folklore magnificently illuminate the human condition. A professor introduces her midd[...]
A profound mystery is at the heart of this magnificent new novel by Yiyun Li, "one of America's best young novelists" ("Newsweek") and the celebrated author of "The Vagrants, "winner of the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award. Moving back and forth in time, between America today and China in the 1990s, "[...]
A profound mystery is at the heart of this magnificent new novel by Yiyun Li, "one of America's best young novelists" ("Newsweek") and the celebrated author of "The Vagrants, "winner of the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award. Moving back and forth in time, between America today and China in the 1990s, "[...]
An NYRB Classics Original
Set in the early years of Mao s China, "Naked Earth" is the story of two earnest young people confronting the grim realities of revolutionary change. Liu Ch uan and Su Nan meet in the countryside after volunteering to assist in the new land reform program. Eager to buil[...]
Gulddreng, smaragdpige består af ni noveller, der med lyrisk præcision, ømhed og elegnace skildrer en gruppe mennesker i nutidens Kina.
I ´House Fire´ etablerer en seks kvinder et detektivburea i Beijing for at komme de mange udenomsægteksabelige affærer til livs. I t[...]
Det är mars 1979 i en kinesisk provinsstad. Familjen Gu samlas vid frukosten den dagen då dottern Gu Shan ska avrättas för kontrarevolutionära aktiviteter.
Fadern kan inte förstå varför hon utsatt sig själv och sin familj för detta. Modern blir allt mer håglös i sin förtvivl[...]
Yiyun Li beskriver ett Kina efter Mao, efter Himmelska fridens torg. Ett land präglat av sin historia och sin enorma storlek där varje människa måste hitta nya sätt att hantera gamla traditioner. Be för mig i tusen år beskriver ett folk i förändring - skildrat genom några individers öden.[...]
Niminovellissa 20 vuotta Yhdysvalloissa asunut Hanfeng palaa Kiinaan ollakseen vanhenevan äitinsä, entisen professorin, lähellä. Pojan poissaollessa äidille on pitänyt seuraa tämän entinen oppilas, Siyu. Nyt äiti toivoo Hanfengin ja Siyun, kahden hänelle tärkeimmän ihmisen, avioituvan. S[...]
Kevätpäiväntasauksena 1979 nuori nainen teloitetaan, koska hän on menettänyt uskonsa kommunismiin. Gu Shanin isän on mahdotonta hyväksyä sitä, että tyttärestä on kasvanut kapinallinen, kun taas äiti on täysin murtunut ainoan lapsensa menetyksestä.Gu Shanin kotikaupungin ihmiset, kuten[...]