Fuses design fundamentals and software training into one cohesive book! * The only book to teach Bauhaus design principles alongside basic digital tools of Adobe's Creative Suite, including the recently released Adobe CS4 * Addresses the growing trend of compressing design fundamentals and design s[...]
Fuses design fundamentals and software training into one cohesive book! * Teaches art and design principles with references to contemporary digital art alongside basic digital tools in Adobe's Creative Cloud * Addresses the growing trend of compressing design fundamentals and design software into t[...]
Most web design books developed for the trade market are a series of exercises without a theoretical, aesthetic, or historic framework. In this book, Visual Communication on the Web, web design exercises are accompanied by concise introductions that relate history, design principles, and visual comm[...]
Net Works offers an inside look into the process of successfully developing thoughtful, innovative digital media. In many practice-based art texts and classrooms, technology is divorced from the socio-political concerns of those using it. Although there are many resources for media theorists, practi[...]