Between 1919 and 1930, Dr. William Bates wrote about his breakthroughs in vision improvement in his magazine Better Eyesight. This book reprints all 132 issues of this influential journal, which offered nonmedical solutions to such problems as near- and farsightedness, astigmatism, crossed eyes, and[...]
Better Eyesight Without Glasses is not only the deffinitive source for the classic Bates Method, it is in itself a remarkablke phenomenon. In the more than forty years since this revised edition was first published, the book has gone through innumerable printings and is more popular and more pertine[...]
We fear that the growing threat of violent attack has upset the balance between existential concepts of political power, which emphasize security, and traditional notions of constitutional limits meant to protect civil liberties. We worry that constitutional states cannot, during a time of war, terr[...]
Forfatteren av denne boken er mest kjent for sin oppdagelse av adrenalinets egenskaper, samt mange år med oftalmologiske studier. Han presenterer her bevis for at de fleste aksepterte teorier om øyet er feil. Boken inneholder: ET SAMMENDRAG med dyreforsøk og kliniske observasjoner som demonstrer[...]