Created in close collaboration with The LEGO Group and Adam Reed Tucker, LEGO(R) Architecture visionary, "LEGO Architecture: The Visual Guide" takes a deep look at the artists, builders, and inspiration behind the LEGO Architecture series. Beautifully illustrated and annotated, this visual guide all[...]
Feared across Europe, the Vikings arrived in their longships and launched lightning raids on coastal towns, churches and monasteries. "Vikings" tells the story of these ferocious warriors, revealing what led them to start their raids and illustrating their ships, weapons and the extent of Viking con[...]
Young readers discover the culture and history that has shaped the modern Islamic world in this book that delves deep into the religion's origins and traditions. Full color.[...]
Flowing over 6275 km (3900 miles) from one end of China to the other, the Yangtze is vast, varied, and mysterious, like China itself. It rises in the highlands of Tibet, where glaciers drip and ooze to create a network of icy channels that join to form what the Chinese call simply Chang Jiang, the L[...]
DK "Readers" now have a fresh new look featuring redesigned jackets and interiors, and up-to-date vocabulary throughout Stunning photographs combine with lively illustrations and engaging age-appropriate stories in DK "Readers," a multi-level reading program guaranteed to capture children's interes[...]
From the mysterious Great Pyramid of Egypt and Turkey's exquisite Hagia Sofia, to the splendid palace at Versailles and Frank Lloyd Wright's graceful Fallingwater in Pennsylvania, "Great Buildings" explores the world's most stunning buildings and other iconic architectural creations in fabulous visu[...]
This book contains everything you want to know about the world's religions: from beliefs and ceremonies to gods and sacred texts. From Hinduism to Zoroastrianism take an in-depth look at all the major global religions, past and present. Discover how each religion started, exploring their origins and[...]
Iconic buildings re-imagined in LEGO[registered] bricks. LEGO[registered] Architecture: The Visual Guide is a stunning guide to the LEGO Architecture series and to the iconic buildings that inspired it. These amazing LEGO Architecture sets showcase incredible buildings from around the world. From th[...]
Experience all the drama and tragedy of Titanic inside the pages of this richly illustrated narrative. With a pull out poster and double gatefold diagram, Titanic: Disaster at Sea is brimming with facts, stories, and fascinating people. From the technological creativity of Titanic's construction to [...]
The 400-year story of music told by the instruments that make an orchestra. "The History of Music in 50 Instruments" outlines musical history in well-written nuggets of information. Profiling one instrument at a time, it describes the history of music since the 1700s, when orchestras first took the[...]
The perfect introduction to the key ideas of architecture.
Myter og legender er blitt formidlet gjennom sagn og historier fra generasjon til generasjon gjennom århundrer. De omhandler temaer som kjærlighet og sjalusi, krig og fred, godhet og ondskap. Temaene belyses gjennom spennende historier, livfulle skikkelser og minneverdige hendelser.Boken inneholde[...]
Det morsomste Mads og Mia vet, er å lete etter dyr og planter. Bli med dem på jakt etter edderkopper, marihøner, hestehov, prestekrager og mange andre småkryp og planter i åker og eng. Møt dem også på stranda, der de fisker krabber, leker med skjell og ser på kråkeboller og andre dyr som l[...]
Fornttida hieroglyfer och moderna logotyper - alla bär de på hemligheter.
Här avslöjas ursprunget till fler än två tusen tecken och symboler. Varför är ett hjärta genomborrat av en pil en klassisk symbol för kärlek? Hur kommer det sig att fruktbarhetssymboler ser ut som de gö[...]
Var kommer vi ifrån? Hur lever vi våra liv? Vad tror vi på? Myter & Legender skildrar urgamla berättelser, teman och karaktärer och beskriver mytologisternas svar på dessa eviga frågor.
Den här fascinerande boken utforskar de mest betydande myterna och legenderna, från antikens [...]
"Jag måste tyvärr meddela att Titanic sjönk i morse efter kollision med isberg, vilket medförde många dödsfall. Full rapport följer." - J.Bruce Ismay, VD för White Star Line
"När jag slog i vattnet kändes det som om tusen knivar kördes in i kroppen. Det var fyra minusgrader." [...]
Följ med på en unik guidad tur genom mer än 50 av världens främsta arkitektoniska mästerverk. Den här boken tar avstamp i pyramiderna och bjuder sedan med läsaren på en spännande upptäcktsfärd genom historien fram till idag
Här får man lära sig om varför och hur de olika b[...]
Tutustu maailman suuriin myytteihin ja legendoihin, jotka ovat säilyneet sukupolvesta toiseen ja jotka tämä kiehtova kirja herättää eloon.Opi tulkitsemaan myyttien sisältö ja konteksti, ymmärtämään niiden kulttuurinen vaikutus sekä tunnistamaan hahmot ja teemat.Myytit antiikin Kreikan s[...]