This sourcebook of primary texts illustrates the history of Christianity from the first century to the death of Constantine. It covers all major persons and topics in early Christian life and thought and includes Gnostic texts and anti-Christian polemic. Now available to a wider North American audie[...]
In this important book the Reverend Professor William Frend surveys martyrdom and persecution during the rise of Christianity, drawing on biblical and historical material as well as archaeological evidence. This fascinating book is impressive in its historical and geographical scope, covering martyr[...]
A history of the formative period of the Church, this text includes an account of Rome and first-century Judaism, the gnostics and the conflicts of Eastern Christendom. It examines such figures as Origen, Arian and St Augustine of Hippo.[...]
Maailman kuuluisimman psyykikon, Edgar Caycen elämäntyön osa-alue; Sielun matkasta aikakausien ja spirituaalisen prosessin läpi. Edgar Caycen 14500:sta lukemuksesta on koostettu ainoalaatuista tietoa Sielumme kehityksestä. Ota selvää, mistä olet tullut, minne olet menossa ja miksi tällä he[...]