The only full treatise on architecture and its related arts to survive from classical antiquity, the De Architectura libri decem (Ten Books on Architecture) is the single most important work of architectural history in the Western world, having shaped humanist architecture and the image of the archi[...]
On Architecture, completed by Vitruvius sometime before 27 CE and the only work of its kind to survive antiquity, serves not professionals but readers who want to understand architecture. Topics include town planning, building materials, temples, the architectural orders, houses, pavements, mosaics,[...]
Vitruvius (Marcus V. Pollio), Roman architect and engineer, studied Greek philosophy and science and gained experience in the course of professional work. He was one of those appointed to be overseers of imperial artillery or military engines, and was architect of at least one unit of buildings for [...]
In about 35-25 B.C.E., the Roman architect Vitruvius produced his encyclopaedic ten-book summary of the principles of Hellenistic architecture, "De architectura" ("On Architecture"). These ideas have stimulated architects ever since. In the mid-16th century, the architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580)[...]
The oldest and most influential book ever written on architecture, this volume served as a guide to Bramante, Michelangelo, Palladio, Vignola, and countless others. It describes the classic principles of symmetry, harmony, and proportion as well as the ancients' methods, materials, and aesthetics. A[...]
Architectural Theory: Vitruvius to 1870 is a landmark anthology that surveys the development of the field of architecture from its earliest days to the year 1870.[...]
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio's "Ten Books on Architecture" is the most complete treatise on the subject of architecture from antiquity and for hundreds of years influenced major buildings around the world. Dating to the first century B.C., the "Ten Books on Architecture" are not only an excellent histori[...]
2000 years ago the Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio wrote the ten books on architecture still referred to in every architect's education. This book provides an introduction to sustainable architectural design suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses.[...]
Här beskrivs den klassicistiska interiörens detaljer i dörrar, fönster och väggpaneler och illustreras med över 600 fotografier och kompletterade av detaljritningar i naturlig storlek. Första gången finns ett samlat material från såväl interiörarkitekturens rötter i antiken som dess utv[...]
Vitruvius skrift ger oss en inblick i antikens synsätt och en förklaring till den grund arkitekturen och byggnadskonsten står på. Trots att Vitruvius avslutade sin bok ca 10 f Kr. för mer än 2000 år sedan, är texten levande och begriplig, den talar till oss så att vi förstår.