This title presents the story of one little boy and his journey through childhood life up to his mid-teens, and also an insight into psychotherapy - how it works and what it can mean to people on a practical level.[...]
"The most brilliant and intuitive, as well as the clearest written, work in this field. It is unpretentious yet clearly the most authoritative work that has been published."
Professor of Psychiatry
Yale University School of Medicine
The classic of child therapy. Dibs will not talk. He will not play. He has locked himself in a very special prison. And he is alone. This is the true story of how he learned to reach out for the sunshine, for life . . . how he came to the breathless discovery of himself that brought him back to the [...]
The author discusses the use of play therapy for children with behavioral, emotional or other psychological problems. The bulk of the text consists of highly readable annotated transcripts of therapeutic sessions that illustrate the principles. The transcripts are authentic, and the annotations incl[...]
Virginia Axline har vunnit världsrykte som barnpsykoterapeut. I denna bok beskriver hon hur hon genom lekterapibehandling får femårige psykiskt sjuke Dibs att gradvis och långsamt tillfriskna.
Boken finns som print-on-demand och trycks till vid beställning.[...]