Russian novelist Victor Pelevin is rapidly establishing himself as one of the most brilliant young writers at work today. His comic inventiveness and mind-bending talent prompted Time magazine to proclaim him a "psychedelic Nabokov for the cyber-age." In his third novel, Buddha's Little Finger, Pele[...]
A richly textured novel of vanity, greed, and advertising revisits the collapse of the Soviet Union, which is now primed and ready for exploitation, as Tartarsky, a copywriter who has a knack for concocting home-grown alternatives to Western ads, is plunged into a realm of gangsters, spin doctors, a[...]
The main character, Andrei, is a passenger aboard the Yellow Arrow, who begins to despair over the trains ultimate destination and looks for a way out as the chapters count down. Indifferent to their fate, the other passengers carry on as usual trading in nickel melted down fro the carriage doors, a[...]
Trained as a cosmonaut for the Soviet space programme, the hero of this novel, whose name combines the Russian word for special police force and the Ancient Egyptian sun god, finds that his mission to the moon develops unexpectedly, and builds to a bizarre conclusion.[...]
A collection of short stories by Russia's new writers.
Translated from the Russian, this razor-sharp satire on consumer culture, Russian style, follows the irresistible rise of a Moscow advertising copywriter, who specialises in adjusting Western adverts to the Eastern mentality and selling Pepsi, Seven-up, Gucci, Mercedes and Reebok to the rising middl[...]
Victor Pelevin is "the onlyyoung Russian novelist to have made an impression in the West" (Village Voice). A Werewolf Problem in Central Russia, the second of Pelevin's Russian Booker Prize-winning short storycollections, continues his Sputnik-like rise. The writers to whom he isfrequently compared [...]
Nastojaschij tekst, izvestnyj takzhe pod nazvaniem "A Khuli", javljaetsja neumeloj literaturnoj poddelkoj, izgotovlennoj neizvestnym avtorom v pervoj chetverti XXI veka. Bolshinstvo ekspertov soglasny, chto interesna ne sama eta rukopis, a tot metod, kotorym ona byla zabroshena v mir. Tekstovyj fajl[...]
"Omon Ra" risuet kureznyj mir zhestokoj dejstvitelnosti, gde chelovecheskaja zhizn napominaet naglukho zamurovannuju raketu s narisovannoj dverju, a polety na Lunu okazyvajutsja samym grandioznym obmanom v istorii SSSR.S nepodrazhaemym izjaschestvom Viktor Pelevin predlagaet alternativnuju versiju s[...]
Povesti, voshedshie v etu knigu, po pravu gnitajutsja luchshimi obraztsami zhanra v sovremennoj otechestvennoj literature. Bolee togo - imenno oni sdelali Pelevina odnim iz samykh chitaemykh pisatelej ne tolko v Rossii, no vo vsem mire![...]
Venäjän suosituimman kirjailijan Viktor Pelevenin uusi romaani.
Roman-utopija Viktora Pelevina o glubochajshikh tajnakh zhenskogo serdtsa i vysshikh sekretakh letnogo masterstva.[...]
Flipbook.Flipbuk - novaja knizhnaja serija v revoljutsionnom formate vpervye v Rossii! Knigi etoj serii otlichajut vysokaja ergonomichnost, stilnyj dizajn i tonchajshaja bumaga prekrasnogo kachestva. Blagodarja tonkoj, no ne prosvechivajuschej bumage prekrasnogo kachestva dazhe samye obemnye proizv[...]
NIKA. The book introduces one of the most popular modern writers. It contains not adapted text, comments, pre text exercises, keys to the exercises, vocabulary list and illustrations. Level B2. Lexical minimum 3000 words.[...]
Stjopa Mikhajlov er en nyrik russer fra øvre middelklasse. Han jobber i en bank, og er besatt av tall. Som ung gutt velger han seg tallet 34 som ledestjerne. Summen av 3 og 4 er 7, og Stjopa finner mange bevis for 7-tallets magiske kraft, blant annet i Britisk etterretningstjeneste og i russiske ev[...]
Etter Sovjetunionens fall åpner Russlands veldige marked seg for kapitalismens frie krefter. Alle vil ha en bit av kaka. Men hvordan selger man nye varer til en generasjon som vokste opp med bare ett colamerke? Det er her romanens hovedperson, Tatarskij, kommer inn. Han har gitt opp troen på å sk[...]
Babylon eller Generation P skildrer en ny russisk virkelighed bestående af forfængelighed, grådighed og reklame. Sovjetunionens kollaps har åbnet et gigantisk marked, modent til udnyttelse og smarte fiduser. Alle er ude efter en bid af kagen. Men hvordan sælger man noget til en genera[...]
19-vuotias Roma asuu äitinsä kanssa, on töissä lastaajana ja miettii, mitä tehdä elämällään. Eräänä päivänä Moskovan kaduilla kuljeksiessaan hän huomaa jalkakäytävään piirretyn nuolen ja sen vieressä tekstin, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuutta päästä eliittiin. Hän lähtee seuraam[...]