The Art of Doing Nothing
Simple Ways to Make Time for Yourself
A culture of overachievers, we make things happen--and happen fast. While rushing along, though, the days seem to get shorter and shorter. If only time would hold still, just a little bit, to let us savor life's simplest moment[...]
Some of today's most articulate designers explore what it means to be a designer in a corporate-driven, over-branded global consumer culture in this anthology. The book discusses design responsibility, with more than 70 debate-stirring essays and interviews espousing viewpoints ranging from the cult[...]
This book is a highly informative, highly entertaining introduction to what art direction is and what art directors do. Co-written by one of the world's leading art directors, it covers the role of art director in numerous environments, including magazines and newspapers, advertising, corporate iden[...]
New in the "100 Ideas that Changed..." series, this book demonstrates how ideas influenced and defined graphic design, and how those ideas have manifested themselves in objects of design. The 100 entries, arranged broadly in chronological order, range from technical (overprinting, rub-on designs, sp[...]
Dieses Buch spricht alle Sinne an - wie ein stiller, sonniger Nachmittag: Lassen Sie sich verführen, für einen Moment alles, was Sie bedrückt, zu vergessen... Ein unwiderstehliches Buch für gestresste Gemüter und eine überzeugende Erinnerung daran, dass wir zu viel tun und zu wenig leben.[...]