Kaikki Bonosta UNESCOon asti yrittävät löytää viisasten kiven, joka avaisi koulun ovet maailman köyhimmillekin lapsille. James Tooley on kenties löytänyt sellaisen. Professori Tooley tutki Intian yksityiskouluja Maailmanpankin pyynnöstä ja tutustui Hyderabadin vanhan kaupungin slummeihin. [...]
This is the definitive history of SABIS[registered], the organisation that is changing the world through education. Can education be run as a profitable business and still be driven by a humanitarian vision? SABIS[registered] shows the answer is yes. Now with 80 schools in 15 countries and over 60,0[...]
Everyone from Bono to the United Nations is looking for a miracle to bring schooling within reach of the poorest children on Earth. James Tooley found one hiding in plain sight. While researching private schools in India for the World Bank, and worried he was doing little to help the poor, Tooley wa[...]