"Iron Man" chronicles the story of both pioneering guitarist Tony Iommi and legendary band Black Sabbath, dubbed "The Beatles of heavy metal" by "Rolling Stone." "Iron Man" reveals the man behind the icon yet still captures Iommi's humor, intelligence, and warmth. He speaks honestly and unflinchingl[...]
"Iron Man" chronicles the story of both pioneering guitarist Tony Iommi and legendary band Black Sabbath, dubbed "The Beatles of heavy metal" by "Rolling Stone." "Iron Man" reveals the man behind the icon yet still captures Iommi's humor, intelligence, and warmth. He speaks honestly and unflinchingl[...]
The name 'Tony Iommi' sends shivers down the spines of guitarists around the world. As lead guitarist and songwriter of Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi is considered to be one of the most influential musicians of the past four decades and the inventor of heavy metal. From working class, Midlands roots, h[...]
(Play It Like It Is). Truly the ultimate for any Sabbath fan, this book/DVD pack is a doozie that'll help you nail chops just like Tony Iommi It features over 100 annotated, note-for-note excerpts from Black Sabbath through Mob Rules, detailed DVD instruction for eight songs, photos, history, gear [...]
The name 'Tony Iommi' sends shivers down the spines of guitarists around the world. As lead guitarist and songwriter of Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi is considered to be one of the most influential musicians of the past four decades and the inventor of heavy metal. From working class, Midlands roots, hi[...]
Black Sabbath har dubbats till The Beatles of heavy metal av Rolling Stone och är ALLT det som associeras med hårdrock: droger, alkohol, utsvävningar, prestationsångest, smärta, erövringar, skivkontrakt, den oresonlige trummisen, kritikerna, comebacken, Stonehenge giget, musiken, s[...]
Iron Man är storyn om mannen bakom myten skildrad med humor, intelligens och värme. Iommi berättar öppet om sin stökiga uppväxt, olyckan som var nära att sätta stopp för hans karriär, kraschade äktenskap, personliga tragedier, kampen mot drogerna, konflikterna i bandet, berömda vänner, [...]
Hevimetallista on kehittynyt yksi rockin merkittävimmistä alalajeista, ja Black Sabbath oli bändi, joka päästi tuon pedon valloilleen. Hevisoundin kehittämiseen vaikutti erityisesti Black Sabbathin kitaristi-lauluntekijä ja johtaja Tony Iommi. Viisitoistavuotiaana koulun lopettanut Iommi ryht[...]