Imagine "The Sopranos "transplanted to the French countryside....
This thrillingly comic, internationally bestselling Mafia farce is the inspiration for the major motion picture "The Family "starring Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Tommy Lee Jones, and produced by Martin Scorsese.
It's the start of the 1860s, and the Old West is changing-a change that comes as a shock to the Daltons when they're arrested not by Lucky Luke, but by - Allan Pinkerton! The man is determined to turn bandit-hunting into a modern, rational business-even at the cost of the American people's personal [...]
An American family moves into a villa in Normandy. Fred Blake, the father, tells everyone he is there to write a history of the Allied landings. His wife Maggie gets involved in a local charity; their teenage children enrol in the lycee. At first glance a family like any other. But Fred's real name [...]
Lucky Luke-album nr 86. Utkommer i september-2013.
Upouudessa seikkailussa yksinäinen cowboy ajautuu törmäyskurssille Villin lännen maineikkaan etsivätoimiston kanssa. Pinkertonin tehokkaat agentit pistävät konnia rautoihin sellaista vauhtia, ettei muita lainvartijoita tarvita lainkaan. Onko Lucky Luken tullut aika siirtyä eläkkeelle?[...]
Upouusi Achden kuvittama Lucky Luke tuo pääosaan pitkästä aikaa Daltonit! Veljekset riitaantuvat ja lähtevät kukin omille teilleen etsimään onnea ja menestystä. Kuten arvata saattaa, Lucky Lukelle tiedossa on roppakaupalla hankaluuksia.[...]