Bright, intelligent, strong willed and active, the indigo children were seen as part of a spiritual revolution, the children of a new age of psychic growth and understanding. Ten years later the indigo children are now the indigo teenagers, finishing school and starting jobs, and facing an entirely [...]
';The Indigo Children? Oh yeah . . . I know about them! Wasn't there a movie about that? They're those special kids who do psychic things and who have dark blue auras, right?'If that's your take on the Indigos, then you really need to read this book. The Indigo Children are not super-psychic kids wi[...]
This book is a must for the parents of unusually bright and active children. Indigo children are those who display a new and unusual set of psychological attributes and show a pattern of behaviour generally undocumented before. In this groundbreaking book on the Indigo Child, international authors L[...]
Indigo children are bright, intuitive, strong-willed, sometimes self-destructive individuals. They are often labelled - and misdiagnosed - as having ADD or ADHD because they won't comply with established rules and patterns; and they may exhibit behavioural problems at home and in school. In this tex[...]
Indigolapsi on poika tai tyttö, joka ilmentää epätavallisia psykologisia ominaisuuksia. Hänellä on käyttäytymismuotoja, joita ei yleensä ole kuvattu aikaisemmin. Näissä käyttäytymismuodoissa on tekijöitä, jotka vaativat vanhempia ja opettajia muuttamaan suhtautumistaan näihin lapsiin[...]