Volume 16 of "Advances in Motivation and Achievement" is presented in two books. In both books, leading researchers in the field review the current state of the knowledge in their respective sub-disciplines and offer their prognostications about where the research is likely to proceed in the decade [...]
Since the emergence of the dissident "parallel polis" in Eastern Europe, civil society has become a "new superpower," influencing democratic transformations, human rights, and international co-operation; co-designing economic trends, security and defense; reshaping the information society; and gener[...]
Kuinka suuri onkaan dinosaurukseni? Onko se suurempi kuin leija vai pienempi kuin hiiri? Selvitä asia seuraamalla tässä ihastuttavassa koskettelukirjassa seikkailevan hahmon puuhia.[...]
This inexpensive paperback provides a brief, simple overview of statistics to help readers gain a better understanding of how statistics work and how to interpret them correctly. Each chapter describes a different statistical technique, ranging from basic concepts like central tendency and describin[...]