Most people would love to be able to fly like a bird, but few of us are aware of the other sensations that make being a bird a gloriously unique experience. What is going on inside the head of a nightingale as it sings, and how does its brain improvise? How do desert birds detect rain hundreds of ki[...]
What is going on inside the head of a nightingale as it sings, and how does its brain improvise? How do desert birds detect rain hundreds of kilometers away? How do birds navigate by using an innate magnetic compass? Tracing the history of how our knowledge about birds has grown, particularly throug[...]
Offers a panoramic view of international involvement in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2010. This book weaves together analysis of military strategy, regional context, aid policy, the Afghan government, and the many disagreements between and within the Western powers involved in the intervention.[...]
What is it like to be a swift, flying at over one hundred kilometres an hour? Or a kiwi, plodding flightlessly among the humid undergrowth in the pitch dark of a New Zealand night? And what is going on inside the head of a nightingale as it sings, and how does its brain improvise? Bird Sense address[...]
What is it like to be a swift, flying at over one hundred kilometres an hour? Or a kiwi, plodding flightlessly among the humid undergrowth in the pitch dark of a New Zealand night? And what is going on inside the head of a nightingale as it sings, and how does its brain improvise? Bird Sense address[...]
Sjöar, öar, skogar, snö och is: Finland är utan tvivel ett naturkärlekens land, som på sidorna i den här boken ger prov på konsten att leva lyckligt och ljust. Från trähusen i städerna i söder till skapelser av gårdagens och dagens stora arkitekter, från öarna i skärgården över Hel[...]
Faces of Finland kuvaa raikkaalla ja monipuolisella tavalla tätä omaleimaista maata, sen kansaa, historiaa, ilmasto-oloja sekä tapoja, luontoa ja elinkeinoelämää. Lumisten talvien ja taianomaisen valkeiden kesäöiden, saunan, muumien ja Nokian kotimaa on myös värikkäiden ja ikimuistoisten [...]
A collection of bridge problems which provide a fun way to practice an important play technique. This is part of a twelve book series that will add an extra dimension to the Bridge Technique series (Bird & Smith), which won the American Bridge Teachers' Association Book of the Year award in 2002.[...]
There are now new experiences of space and time; new tensions between globalism and regionalism, socialism and consumerism, reality and spectacle; new instabilities of value, meaning and identity - a dialectic between past and future. How are we to understand these? Mapping the Futures is the first[...]
Covers useful areas of electrical engineering. This book offers tips, tools of the trade, design and applications information along with summarized theory, equations and formulas.[...]
Each book in the Test Your Bridge Technique is a collection of bridge problems which provide a fun way to practice and develop your skill in an important cardplay technique at bridge. These books are designed to add an extra dimension to the detailed instruction contained in Bridge Technique series [...]
Each book in this series is a collection of bridge problems which provide a fun way to practice and develop your skill in an important cardplay technique at bridge. These books are designed to add an extra dimension to the detailed instruction contained in Bridge Technique series (Bird & Smith), whi[...]
Each book is a collection of bridge problems which provide a fun way to practice and develop your skill in an important cardplay technique at bridge. These books are designed to add an extra dimension to the detailed instruction contained in Bridge Technique series (Bird & Smith), which won the Amer[...]