Presents a taxonomic description of the total trilobite fauna. This monograph also presents extensive biostratigraphical data on the trilobites together with a study on the biogeographical and ecological aspects of the faunas.[...]
En indbydende guidebog med masser af billeder og kort, så turen kan planlægges og nydes hjemmefra.
Bogen introducerer til klassicismen, til C.F. Hansens særlige kendetegn og ikke mindst til de 78 bevarede bygninger, som han står bag.
Igennem de seneste år har m[...]
Den danske arkitekt C.F. Hansen (1756-1845) er en af Nordeuropas største arkitekter. Hans arkitektur er af international karat og har haft vidtrækkende betydning for mange nutidige arkitekter, som danskerne Jørn Utzon og Henning Larsen.
I Nordtyskland finder man en lang række bygninger[...]
Læremidler udgør en central reformstrategi i skolen, og denne bog præsenterer en teoretisk bearbejdning, der modsvarer deres betydning i praksis. Bogen sætter læremidler på didaktikkens landkort ved at drøfte centrale spørgsmål med eksempler fra historiske og aktuelle læremidler. Hvad[...]
Much has been said and written about the failure of U.S. intelligence to prevent the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and its overestimation of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction under Saddam Hussein. This book focuses instead on the central role that intelligence-collection systems play in [...]
The rise of strong nationalist and religious movements in postcolonial and newly democratic countries alarms many Western observers. In "The Saffron Wave", Thomas Hansen turns our attention to recent events in the world's largest democracy, India. Here he analyzes Indian receptivity to the right-win[...]
When Bombay changed its name to Mumbai in 1995, it was the culmination of a long process that transformed India's primary symbol of modernity and cultural diversity into a site of intense ethnic conflict and violent nationalism. "Wages of Violence" is a startling account of how the city's atmosphere[...]
The standard theory of decision making under uncertainty advises the decision maker to form a statistical model linking outcomes to decisions and then to choose the optimal distribution of outcomes. It assumes that you trust the model completely. But what should a decision maker do if the model cann[...]
The end of apartheid in 1994 signaled a moment of freedom and a promise of a nonracial future. With this promise came an injunction: define yourself as you truly are, as an individual, and as a community. Almost two decades later it is clear that it was less the prospect of that future than the habi[...]
The end of apartheid in 1994 signaled a moment of freedom and a promise of a nonracial future. With this promise came an injunction. This title offers an analysis of the uncertainties, dreams, and anxieties that have accompanied post-apartheid freedoms in Chatsworth, a formerly Indian township in Du[...]
Is there still a right to seek asylum in a globalised world? Migration control has increasingly moved to the high seas or the territory of transit and origin countries, and is now commonly outsourced to private actors. Under threat of financial penalties airlines today reject any passenger not in po[...]
A systematic analysis of extraterritorial obligations and state responsibility for private actors under international refugee law, first published in 2011.[...]
For the first time the editors of this volume have brought together text, illustrations and high-definition videos to create an expert video atlas in the field of pediatric airway surgery. The publication which includes the book and free online access to the videos provides a detailed review of the [...]
´Dansk´ i serien ´Mål og Midler´ giver et samlende bud på et opdateret og helhedsorienteret danskfag i en tid, der er præget af digitalisering, kompetenceorientering og fagpolitiske værdikampe. Bogen giver konkrete fagdidaktiske svar på en række af de udfordringer, vi står over for: Hvad [...]
Forlaget skriver: Der har i de senere år været en stigende interesse for relationer og relationstænkning i pædagogiske sammenhænge.
Artiklerne sætter fokus på en række centrale temaer, herunder relationers betydning for lærerrollen, lærerens kompetencer og relationelle perspekt[...]
Hvad er det, litteraturen kan tilbyde os? Hvilket pædagogisk potentiale har den? Hvorledes kan en lærerfaglig analyse være med til at sikre, at litteraturens særlige kvaliteter bliver udnyttet i undervisningen?
Procesorienteret litteraturpædagogik giver en række mulige svar på dis[...]
I Kognitiv litteraturdidaktik præsenteres en vidtrækkende didaktik, der kan anvendes i litteraturundervisningen.
Bogen ligger i forlængelse af Procesorienteret litteraturpædagogik (2004), der introducerede en procesorienteret tilgang med fokus på børne- og ungdomslittera[...]