Arbeidsrettsboka er skrevet for det praktiske arbeidslivet og behandler ansettelse, vern mot diskriminering, krav til arbeidsmiljøet, arbeidsgivers styringsrett, arbeidstakers lojalitetsplikt, opphør av arbeidsforholdet på grunn av eget forhold eller virksomhetens forhold, virksomhetsoverdragelse[...]
From Business Strategy to IT Action gives companies of all sizes the tools to effectively link IT to business strategy and produce effective, actionable strategies for bottom-line results. The authors present CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and IT managers with a powerful and accessible resource packed with such [...]
Not afraid to tackle provocative topics in American culture, from gun violence and labor policies to terrorism and health care, Michael Moore has earned both applause and invective in his career as a documentarian. In such polarizing films as Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11 , and Sicko , Moor[...]
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson between June 11 and June 28, 1776, the Declaration of Independence summarizes America's founding political philosophy. At once a cherished symbol of liberty and an expression of Jefferson's monumental talents as a writer, the document captures in unforgettable phrases the[...]