This is a new, original graphic novel in DC's popular "Earth One" series, Teen Titans: Earth One follows in the tradition of Superman: Earth One and Batman: Earth One, both of which were number 1 New York Times bestsellers. The Teen Titans never felt like normal kids ...but they had no idea how righ[...]
The Defenders find their way to Wakanda and team with the Black Panther to face the lethal John Aman, the Prince of Orphans What is Aman protecting that's worth killing so many for so long? And just how is Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, going to steal it? Then: the Defenders are lost in space-time [...]
Long ago, Storm won leadership of the underground mutant community known as the Morlocks. But her reign was a distant one, and Storm's neglected subjects grew increasingly embittered. Ultimately, the mad Mikhail Rasputin swept the Morlocks away into another dimension - a harsh dimension where time r[...]