Risk, Surprises and Black Swans provides an in depth analysis of the risk concept with a focus on the critical link to knowledge; and the lack of knowledge, that risk and probability judgements are based on. Based on technical scientific research, this book presents a new perspective to help you un[...]
Everyday we face decisions that carry an element of risk and uncertainty. The ability to analyze, predict, and prepare for the level of risk entailed by these decisions is, therefore, one of the most constant and vital skills needed for analysts, scientists and managers. Risk analysis can be defined[...]
The risk discipline is young and there are a number of ideas, perspectives and conceptions of risk out there. A number of such common conceptions of risk are examined in the book, related to the risk concept, risk assessments, uncertainty analyses, risk perception, the precautionary principle, risk [...]
Quantitative risk assessments cannot eliminate risk, nor can they resolve trade-offs. They can, however, guide principled risk management and reduction - if the quality of assessment is high and decision makers understand how to use it. This book builds a unifying scientific framework for discussing[...]
This book addresses an important and current problem with competing solutions.
Risk, Surprises and Black Swans provides an in depth analysis of the risk concept with a focus on the critical link to knowledge; and the lack of knowledge, that risk and probability judgements are based on.Based on technical scientific research, this book presents a new perspective to help you unde[...]
Risk is a popular topic in many sciences - in natural, medical, statistical, engineering, social, economic and legal disciplines. Yet, no single discipline can grasp the full meaning of risk. Investigating risk requires a multidisciplinary approach. The authors, coming from two very different discip[...]
Boka viser hvordan planlegging, risikoanalyser og styring av sikkerhet kan bidra til et mer robust samfunn. Problemstillinger som belyses er blant annet: Hvordan kan vi unngå at uønskede hendelser skjer? Hvordan kan vi minimalisere konsekvensene av slike hendelser når de skjer? Hvordan skal vi fo[...]
Boken ser på de grunnleggende prinsipper og ideer som risikostyringsfaget hviler på. Den vil gjøre det tydelig for deg hva som står på spill og hvilke prinsipper som bør legges til grunn for å oppnå den riktige balansen mellom ulike hensyn. Boken gir blant annet svar på hva risiko er, og hv[...]
Forfatterne gir i denne boken en innføring i planlegging, gjennomføring og bruk av risikoanalyser, og går gjennom de mest vanlige risikoanalysemetodene. Siktemålet med boken er å forklare hva risikoanalyse er, og hva den brukes til. Bokens første del omhandler teori og metoder, mens andre del [...]