Thrust into care at six months of age because of an alcoholic father and mentally ill mother, Teresa Cooper's life began in a less than perfect way. Teresa spent an unsettled childhood in a variety of children's homes before being sent to Kendall House in Kent, which would become her prison and wors[...]
Teresa Coopers historia är hjärtskärande från första början. Hennes mor var psykiskt sjuk och hennes far var alkoholist, och Teresa omhändertogs redan som bebis.
Efter att ha tillbringat sin barndom i diverse hem, skickades hon till Kendall House i Kent. Det var innanför dessa f�[...]
"Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference" covers a wide spectrum of programming topics relevant to Access. Although it assumes the reader has some familiarity with VBA programming language, it begins with a brief introduction to VBA. And to help you leverage the tools that Access provides, a chapter [...]