Most people who have taken a biology course in the past 50 years are familiar with the work of David Lack, but few remember his name. Almost all general biology texts produced during that period have a figure showing the beak size differences among the finches of the Galapagos Islands from Lack's 1[...]
The tales of friendship and fun continue! Granny visits an apple convention and is dismayed to see the Flim Flam brothers are up to their old tricks. Fluttershy gets an unexpected visit from the most aggressive guy around, Iron Will! Rainbow Dash is overjoyed when Wonderbolt Spitfire invites her to [...]
Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy visit Manehattan to see Trixie's magic show. Meanwhile, in Ponyville, the ponies' pets, Angel, Owlicious, Gummy, Tank, Winona, and Opal must save the day. Plus, Discord takes Fluttershy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders on a trip through time![...]