Tawni O'Dell - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Tawni O'Dell
Visar Resultat (1-8)
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  1. Back Roads (Häftad)


    Tawni O'Dell

    ISBN: 9780451212450 - UTGIVEN: 200406

    "One day you're that guy who's happy he managed to survive high school and get that almighty piece of paper, and you're thinking you might try to get a job at Redi-Mix concrete where your dad's worked since the beginning of time. And at least you've got a family you can stand even if they are all si[...]

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    från 283.00 kr
  2. Coal Run (Häftad)


    Tawni O'Dell

    ISBN: 9780451215123 - UTGIVEN: 200506

    With her eagerly awaited second novel, Tawni O'Dell takes readers back to the coal-mining country of western Pennsylvania. Set in a town ravaged and haunted by a mine explosion that took the lives of 96 men, Coal Run explores the life of local deputy and erstwhile football legend, "The Great Ivan Z.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 167.00 kr
  3. Fragile Beasts (Häftad)


    Tawni O'Dell

    ISBN: 9780719556791 - UTGIVEN: 200901

    Growing up in hard-scrabble coal country with a drunk father and a runaway mother hasn't been easy for teen brothers Kyle and Klint. And when their dad smashes his truck and dies after a few too many beers, the boys are shocked that their often-absent mother plans to take them back to her new home [...]

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    från 146.00 kr
  4. Ivans återkomst (Pocket)


    Tawni O'Dell

    ISBN: 9789127112704 - UTGIVEN: 200604

    Ivan är sex år när han på morgonen ser sin far gå till arbetet i kolgruvan i den lilla staden Coal Run. Plötsligt hörs en explosion som får hela huset att skaka, och det kommer att visa sig att nästan hälften av stadens manliga befolkning har omkommit i gruvan. Ivan blir faderlös och Coal[...]

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    från 39.00 kr
  5. Kära syster (Pocket)


    Tawni O'Dell

    ISBN: 9789127119482 - UTGIVEN: 200905

    I gruvsamhället Jolly Mount bor Shae- Lynn Penrose. Hon är en fyrtioårig före detta polis som klär sig i korta kjolar och cowboystövlar, och försöker försörja sig på att köra taxi. När en skum advokat samt en desperat hemmafru plötsligt dyker upp, båda på jakt efter Shannon, Shae-Lyn[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 46.00 kr
  6. Sister Mine (Häftad)


    Tawni O'Dell

    ISBN: 9780307351678 - UTGIVEN: 2008-05

    Tough, former cop Shae-Lynn Penrose has spent years building a life for herself and her son in Jolly Mount, Pennsylvania, the tiny coal-mining town in which she grew up, but her life is thrown into complete disarray by the arrival of the younger sister she had thought dead, a desperate Connecticut h[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 138.00 kr
  7. One of Us (Inbunden)


    Tawni O'Dell

    ISBN: 9781476755878 - UTGIVEN: 2014-09

    Dr. Sheridan Doyle-a fastidiously groomed and TV-friendly forensic psychologist-is the go-to shrink for the Philadelphia District Attorney's office whenever a twisted killer's mind eludes other experts. But beneath his Armani pinstripes, he's still Danny Doyle, the awkward, terrified, bullied boy fr[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 189.00 kr
  8. One of Us (Häftad)


    Tawni O'Dell

    ISBN: 9781476755939 - UTGIVEN: 2015-04

    "A fearless exploration of the line between mental illness and true evil, a place many thriller writers visit but without the kind of fearless insights Tawni] O'Dell reveals in this powerful novel" ("The New York Times Book Review").
    Dr. Sheridan Doyle--a fastidiously groomed and TV-friendly fo[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 223.00 kr