Thinking and writing about the past has always been of critical importance to the way that any culture or civilization views itself and its role in the world. In a work which surveys an entire tradition of historical thought and writing across a span of eight hundred years, Tarif Khalidi examines ho[...]
This book is the record of a debate that took place in the early tenth century between the famous Ismaili missionary Abu Hatim al-Razi and the even more celebrated Abu Bakr al-Razi, a physician and philosopher who was known to medieval Europe as "Rhazes." These two were towering figures of premodern[...]
Detta verk presenterar den största samlingen hittills av berättelser om Jesus i arabisk-islamisk litteratur. På så sätt spåras en tradition av kärlek och vördnad för mannen från Nasareth som har präglat islamiskt tankeliv i över tusen år.[...]