Behavioral medicine has now matured as a field to the point where all recognize that different populations are presented with different issues. Psychological reactions and patterns affect the health and well-being of children, as well as adults, and numerous standardized instruments for the assessme[...]
This pragmatic guide spells out how to use motivational interviewing (MI) to have productive conversations about behavior change with adolescents and young adults in any clinical context. Filled with vivid examples, sample dialogues, and "dos and don'ts," the book shows how conducting MI from a deve[...]
När ungdomar verkligen är motiverade att nå ett mål har de en energi, intensitet och förändringskapacitet som är svåröverträffad. Motivationen är nyckeln till förändring. Motiverande samtal - MI med tonåringar och unga vuxna beskriver hur man har framgångsrika samtal med ungdomar n[...]