In "Consolations of the Forest", Sylvain Tesson explains how he found a radical solution to his need for freedom, one as ancient as the experiences of the hermits of old Russia: he decided to lock himself alone in a cabin in the middle taiga, on the shores of Baikal, for six months. From February to[...]
Sylvain Tesson, found a radical solution to his need for freedom, one as ancient as the experiences of the hermits of old Russia: he decided to lock himself alone in a cabin in the middle taiga, on the shores of Baikal, for six months. Noting carefully his impressions of the silence, Sylvain Tesson [...]
A meditation on escaping the chaos of modern life and rediscovering the luxury of solitude. Winner of the Prix Medicis for nonfiction, The Consolations of the Forest is a Thoreau-esque quest to find solace, taken to the extreme. No stranger to inhospitable places, Sylvain Tesson exiles himself to a [...]
Matkakirjailija Sylvain Tesson seuraa öljyputkea Kaukasian öljykentiltä Eurooppaan. Tesson tekee ympäristöystävällistä matkaansa joko pyöräillen tai julkisilla kulkuneuvoilla. Matkallaan hän pohtii energian asemaa kiihtyvässä elämäntavassamme. Ihminen rapistuu ja voi huonosti, maapall[...]