This is a practical book for people living in the world. The word "practical" implies that the teaching can be practiced in the world, in the midst of family, career and social obligations. No prior preparation is required for reading this book, and after reading this book, no further teaching is re[...]
Lääkehoidon laajentuneiden mahdollisuuksien ja lääkkeiden lisääntyneen käytön myötä lääkkeiden ja lääkehoidon turvallisuuteen on alettu kiinnittää entistä enemmän huomiota. Tutkimusten mukaan noin joka kymmenes potilas kokee hoitojaksonsa aikana hoitoon liittyvän haittatapahtuman,[...]
You are equipped with everything that you need to live a happy life. Your only job is to discover the source of happiness within and infuse your surroundings with that inner happiness.?-Swami Rama. In this collection of inspirational teachings, Pandit Tigunait gathered passages on the causes of unha[...]
Basic breathing techniques as practised by the Himalayan yogis.