Bernd and Hilla Becher's lifetime project of documenting the industrial landscape of our time secures their position in the canon of postwar photographers. Their work--at once conceptual art, typological study, and topological documentation--has influenced German photographers of a younger generatio[...]
De fleste store offentlige debattene om okkupasjonstiden har startet som følge av at en antatt eller faktisk skandale ble avslørt eller et tabu ble brutt. Dette gjelder for eksempel Ralph Hewins apologetiske biografi om Quisling i 1965 og TV-serien "Holocaust" i 1979. I Okkupasjonstidens lange sky[...]
During their 40-year career Bernd and Hilla Becher created an invaluable photographic encyclopedia of industrial structures. Pursuing the concept of typology, they kept focusing on the same subjects over and over again to reveal constants and variations. Basic Forms presents 61 photographs covering [...]