Offers recipes for independent living. This book includes symbols that offer a speedy guide for checking on costs, while variations show how to adapt each recipe, whether you're feeling flush or feeling the pinch. Suitable for college starters, gap-year travellers and first-jobbers alike, it is grou[...]
Nuorten mielestä paras tapa varmistua lautasen sisällöstä on tehdä ruoka itse. 14-vuotiaan Sam Sternin reseptikirja todistaa, että kokkaaminen ei ole mitään tähtitiedettä.Pitatähtiä, spagettia, kanapaistia, suklaasatsumia - teinikokin repertuaari ulottuu kiireisistä arjenpelastaja-annok[...]
Fra interaksjon til relasjon er en bok som presist og grundig introduserer de fem viktigste teoriene om hva tilknytning er, utviklet av henholdsvis Donald W. Winnicott, John Bowlby, Daniel N. Stern Allan N. Schore og Peter Fonagy. Samtidig kan den leses som en generell introduksjon til tilknytningst[...]
The years around the turn of the century were a dynamic time in American art. Different and seemingly contradictory movements were evolving, and the dominant style that emerged during this period was Impressionism. Based in part on the broken brushwork and high-keyed palette of Claude Monet, it was [...]