Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway has sold a million copies round the world since 1987, and is still one of the top ten bestsellers in the category of personal development. In this book, Susan Jeffers takes the approach and practical strategies that made her first such a success and applies them to the[...]
Internationally renowned author, Susan Jeffers, has helped millions of people around the globe to overcome their fears and heal the pain in their lives. Such fears may include: Public speaking; Asserting yourself; Making decisions; Intimacy; Changing jobs; Being alone; Ageing; Driving; Losing a love[...]
Internationally renowned author, Susan Jeffers, has helped millions of people around the globe to overcome their fears and heal the pain in their lives. Such fears may include: Public speaking; Asserting yourself; Making decisions; Intimacy; Changing jobs; Being alone; Ageing; Driving; Losing a love[...]
Nobody knows what will happen in the next moment of our lives. Whatever is in store for us, the only thing we can be sure of is that nothing in life is certain. And since we all fear the unknown, life's uncertainty can be a constant source of worry to us. But, as bestselling author Susan Jeffers exp[...]
Dr Susan Jeffers, whose previous books have touched millions throughout the world, provides the tools and concepts that show us how to feel calmer, more in control, and more excited about life. With wisdom, humour and clarity, she opens our eyes to what pulls us down and what lifts us up. This is an[...]
For people faced with public speaking, asserting oneself and making decisions, the author offers practical advice and thought-provoking tips on how to transform their fears into confidence, energy and love.[...]
A program designed to help listeners overcome their fears explains how to stop negative thinking patterns and shares effective techniques for transforming passivity into assertiveness.[...]
We all want to be loved by our partners, and to have good relationships with friends and colleagues. What we don't always know is how to make that special sense of connection happen. In DARE TO CONNECT, Susan gives us the insights and tools we need to create a sense of belonging everywhere we go. We[...]
Filled with inspiration and knowledge for women of all ages, this four-CD set includes empowering lectures by these motivational women: Louise L. Hay is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher and the bestselling author of numerous books, including "You Can Heal Your Life" and "Empowering Women". Louise[...]
Do you have difficulty making decisions ...asking your boss for a raise ...committing to or leaving a relationship ...going on an interview ...facing the future? And does fear keep you from jumping into life with energy and excitement? Now, Susan Jeffers, who has helped millions turn their lives aro[...]
Hver gang vi tager en chance og vover os ind på ukendt territorium, oplever vi frygt. Meget ofte forhindrer denne frygt os i at komme videre i livet.
Vores manglende evne til at håndtere frygten kan føles som et psykologisk problem, men er i virkeligheden et spørgsmål om at træne s[...]
Selvtillid er at vide, at der inden i dig findes uhyre mængder styrke og kærlighed, så du kan skabe alt hvad du overhovedet har brug for her i livet.
Problemet er at vi alt for ofte synes at glemme det. Denne lille bog om selvtillid skal være en stadig påmindelse om det. Du kan tage den[...]