ADHD in adulthood is a prevalent and impairing disorder. While medications have been effective in treating adult ADHD, the majority of individuals treated with medications have residual symptoms that require additional skills and symptom management strategies. Except for the intervention described [...]
Adults who suffer from Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder know that it can have harmful effects in their workplace, in their self-esteem, and in the way they interact with their family and friends. While some medications have been effective in treating adults ADHD, the majority of individuals[...]
If you suffer from a chronic medical condition like cancer, HIV, diabetes, asthma, or hypertension, you know how hard it can be to perform all the self-care behaviours required of you, especially if you are also dealing with depression. Studies have shown that depressed individuls with chronic illne[...]
The treatment outlined in this therapist guide is intended for people suffering from depression and living with chronic illnesses. As a result of their poor health, many individuals who are chronically ill become depressed and fail to maintain steady self-care routines. Using this guide, therapists [...]
This book provides a framework for affirmative, empirically supported cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients. Guidelines for competent assessment and treatment are integrated with practical descriptions of widely used CBT applications. In addition to presenting po[...]
"I dagens framväxande hälso- och sjukvårdssystem finns en tilltagande konsensus om att evidensbaserad behandling är det mest ansvarsfulla arbetssättet för alla som arbetar med psykisk hälsa... Nu har vi fått den första evidensbaserade behandlingen för ADHD hos vuxna, utarbetad av en grupp [...]
"Just den här behandlingen beskriver den första evidensbaserade effektiva psykologiska interventionen för ADHD hos vuxna. I den här behandlingen kommer du att få lära dig färdigheter som direkt angriper de tre kategorier av symtom som gör det svårt att leva med ADHD som vuxen. Dessa kategor[...]