Då slog det Alice hur förfärligt Bankerns brott var: Han hade stulit allas fantasi! Stulit den så att det skulle bli lättare att kontrollera dem och hålla dem som slavar. Hon tänkte på sin mamma och sin stackars nedbrutna pappa och till och med på Thomas ... Plötsligt var allt tydligt.
To effectively increase employee productivity, managers must become smarter about understanding how employees truly behave, which is often quite different from how managers might wish they behaved.[...]
Marvin R. Wilson has devoted much of his life to bringing Jews and Christians into dialogue with one another. His seminal text, "Our Father Abraham" -- perhaps more than any other book -- has clearly shown a generation of Christians the Jewish roots of their faith."Perspectives on Our Father Abraham[...]
Although conventionally treated as separate, America's four wars in Asia were actually phases in a sustained U.S. bid for regional dominance, according to Michael H. Hunt and Steven I. Levine. This effort unfolded as an imperial project in which military power and the imposition of America's politic[...]
Basics Film-Making: The Language of Film explores the means by which film communicates meaning to its audience. It discusses the stories they tell, the sign-systems they deploy, the interpretive contexts we are invited to place them in, and the range of aesthetic elements which contribute to the cin[...]