Itsehoito-opas asiakkaille. Soveltuu erityisen hyvin myös psykoterapian tukena käytettäväksi. Tämä Nevadan yliopiston psykologian professori Steven C. Hayesin kirjoittama, hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapian tutkimukseen pohjautuva kirja tarjoaa erilaisen näkökulman elämään ja psykologis[...]
Explains to students and practitioners in behavioral health how to incorporate research and scientific principles into their daily work. Discusses such aspects as current research strategies, time-series methodology, production and consumption of clinical repetition series, program evaluation, sel[...]
This problem solver offers a wealth of remedies for American industry's neglect of competitive manufacturing strategies and its resulting loss of productivity. Drawing upon the example of world-class and foreign manufacturers, the book illustrates what American industry must do in terms of manufactu[...]
Leading researchers in acceptance and commitment therapy suggest to readers struggling with anorexia that strategies to control their disorder are themselves problems. Instead, they use the techniques of acceptance and commitment therapy, or ACT, to teach how better to cope with out-of-control emot[...]