The Oxford Handbook of Modern and Contemporary American Poetry provides a comprehensive approach to the debates that have defined the study of American verse of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Topics include: the influence of jazz on beat poetry; surrealist influences on American verse; di[...]
Human rights is an important issue in contemporary politics, and the last few decades have also seen a remarkable increase in research and teaching on the subject. This book introduces students to the study of human rights and aims to build on their interest while simultaneously offering an alternat[...]
Første udgave af Nationalmuseets storværk Herregården 1-4 blev udsolgt, allerede inden det udkom. Nu genudgiver Dansk Bygningsarv værket i let tilrettet genoptryk.
Ud over Danmark ligger herregårdene som en del af det kulturlandskab, de selv gennem tiderne har været med til at forme. [...]