The Two Demon Spirits That All Demons Get Their Strength From
Exposing The Secret Strategies of the Enemy.
A significant breakthrough in revelation, author Steve Foss exposes two of the most devastating and hidden demons that Satan has ever released.
From the Garden of Eden until our pre[...]
Las estrategias secretas del enemigo--REVELADAS"La sutil artimana de Satanas" expone a dos de los demonios mas devastadores aunque ocultos que Satanas ha desatado. Desde el Jardin del Eden hasta nuestros dias, Satanas ha usado la misma estrategia secreta para atar, oprimir, confundir y enganar a la [...]
The Secret Strategies of the Enemy--REVEALED Satan has always used the same schemes to bind, oppress, confound, and deceive mankind. What he is doing today is nothing new--the traps he sets for us are the same ones he set two thousand years ago. Satan's Dirty Little Secret exposes the two demons beh[...]
The power of grace for true transformation
Grace is the most significant gift from God that mankind has ever received. It is at the core of our Christian faith, and without it we would still be without hope and without God. But grace isn't what most people think it is. It is not just a "get out [...]