Explore a marvelous world of glamoury: the Celtic Otherworld of shadow and Sidhe, a realm where everything that ever was, is, or will be, exists right now. The Celts had a life-affirming, mystical way of viewing and living life, in tune with the forces of Nature and magic. Drawing upon Irish Celtic [...]
Geared towards magical and ritual use as well as divination, this reference source aims to work on both a physical and spiritual level, offering practical advice to those seeking the hidden meanings within Celtic myth and folklore. Ancient Celtic poems and legends are analysed in an attempt to show [...]
The Irish Celtic Magical Tradition explores the wealth of spiritual philosophy locked into Celtic legend in The Battle of Moytura (Cath Maige Tuired), a historical-mythological account of the conflict, both physical and Otherworldly, between the Fomoire and the Tuatha de Danann. This legend contain[...]