Compact INTRODUCING guide on the debates surrounding psychoanalysis's most contested figure. Freud is universally recognised as a pivotal figure in modern culture. Yet the man and his work continually attract scandal, outrage and scientific suspicion. Was he a psychological genius or a peddler of hu[...]
"Art + Science Now" is a groundbreaking overview of the art being made at the cutting edge of scientific research. The first illustrated book in its field, it shows how some of the world's most dynamic art is being produced not in museums, galleries and studios but in the laboratory, where artists p[...]
"Art + Science Now" is a groundbreaking overview of the art being made at the cutting edge of scientific research. The first illustrated book in its field, it shows how some of the world's most dynamic art is being produced not in museums, galleries and studios but in the laboratory, where artists p[...]
Helps readers find out why the trick to outperforming their competition and staying ahead of the curve in a customer-centric business environment is achieving the optimum levels of complexity in their products, services, and operations. This book includes tools that let you quantify and pinpoint com[...]
Shed Revenue-Draining Complexity Costs by Thirty Percent! "This is an ambitious book packed with insight and fresh thinking. Separating good from badcomplexity costs is a critical task facing companies today, and the authors provide a compellingroadmap for solving the problem." Michael B. McCallist[...]
International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Treaties, Cases, and Analysis introduces the reader to the international legal instruments and case law governing the substantive and procedural dimensions of international human rights and humanitarian law, including economic, social, and cultural ri[...]
"Emotional Intelligence Coaching" examines the vital role emotions and habits play in performance. Emotional intelligence can help leaders and coaches recognize how attitudes - both their own and those of the people they coach - prevent individuals from reaching their potential. Replacing these with[...]
Since 1997 Luciano Giubbilei has been creating serenely beautiful gardens in locations on three continents. Giubbilei is known for the understated elegance of his designs, but is constantly evolving his approach, both in response to individual clients and as his ideas develop. His work draws on his [...]
Brannsikker: Som ung drømte Cathrine om å gifte seg med en kjærlig og modig brannmann. Drømmen ble oppfylt da hun møtte Caleb. Men etter syv år skranter ekteskapet. I det de forbereder seg på skilsmisse, blir Caleb utfordret av sin far til å prøve et 40 dagers eksperiment: "Våg å elske". [...]
Aldrig tidigare har emotionell intelligens och coaching kombinerats på det här sättet för att hjälpa dig att förbättra dina egna och andra människors prestationer! I Coaching med emotionell intelligens visar författarna vilken avgörande roll känslor och vanor har för våra prestationer. [...]