"A succinct, lucid and compelling account . . . Essential reading." -Michiko Kakutani, "The New York Times"
Renowned economist Nouriel Roubini electrified the financial community by predicting the current crisis before others in his field saw it coming. This myth-shattering book reveals the met[...]
Few of us question the slips of green paper that come and go in our purses, pockets, and wallets. Yet confidence in the money supply is a recent phenomenon: prior to the Civil War, the United States did not have a single, national currency. Instead, countless banks issued paper money in a bewilderin[...]
Tohtori Tuhona tunnettu taloustieteilijä Nouriel Roubini hämmästytti kollegansa ja rahoitusyhteisön ennustamalla melko yksityiskohtaisesti viime aikojen rahoituskriisin selvästi ennen sen toteutumista.Ammattikunnastaan poiketen Roubini ei pidä taloudellisia katastrofeja poikkeuksina, kerran el[...]